Chapter 4 :More Questions Than Answers

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"As Katrina and Xavier remained ensnared in each other's gaze, Katrina suddenly snapped out of the ethereal moment and a whisper escaped her lips, breaking the tension between them.""Katrina's voice trembled with a mixture of surprise and intrigue as she questioned Xavier's unexpected presence, her eyes locking onto his with a hint of mystery and curiosity. 'What are you doing Xavier?' "Xavier's voice was softer now, tinged with concern as he spoke to Katrina. 'I'm sorry, miss. I noticed you were trembling in your sleep, and I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I didn't mean to disturb your rest,' he apologized, his eyes reflecting a sense of compassion and understanding."Katrina's eyes softened with a glimmer of understanding, her heart swaying to the rhythm of Xavier's sincere words. With a gentle nod, she silently conveyed her appreciation for his kindness and acknowledgement."As Katrina rose to her feet, a whirlwind of emotions danced in her eyes, a silent storm brewing within her. Without a word, she turned and ascended the staircase, her steps echoing through the empty hallway, leaving Xavier standing alone meanwhile, in Katrina's room, she paced back and forth, her heart racing with thoughts of Xavier. "Why did I leave like that without asking him why he attacked Mr.Sincon earlier" she whispered to herself, her mind filled with confusion and longing. "I was just so flabbergasted when I woke up to such a strikingly handsome face." The memories of their encounter replayed in her mind .Katrina took a deep breath and calmed herself, sitting down in her room. The moonlight bathed her in a soft glow as she closed her eyes, thoughts of Xavier swirling in her mind. Amidst the quiet, she found a moment of peace.A little while later, Katrina rose from her seat and made her way downstairs, guided by an inexplicable pull towards Xavier. As she rounded the corner, her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her: Xavier stood shirtless, his lean, sculpted frame glistening with water droplets, his dark hair damp and tousled, accentuating the rugged masculinity that radiated from him.

The dim light of the room highlighted the contours of his chiseled chest and the defined lines of his abdomen, drawing her gaze like a magnet. Each droplet of water that dripped from his hair seemed to trace a tantalizing path down his taut muscles, creating an irresistible allure that left Katrina momentarily spellbound.

In that moment, the air seemed charged with a potent energy, an unspoken tension hanging between them as she struggled to tear her gaze away. Xavier's presence exuded a raw magnetism that set her heart racing and her senses on fire, stirring a primal desire within her that she could not ignore.Katrina snapped out of her trance and walked past Xavier, feeling his magnetic presence lingering in her mind as she made her way to the kitchen. With each step, she tried to shake off the intense emotions he had stirred in her, Xavier followed Katrina into the kitchen, his presence adding a charged energy to the room. As she felt his gaze on her, a tingle of anticipation and uncertainty danced along her skin. The air crackled with unspoken words, their shared silence speaking volumes as they stood in the midst of a brewing storm of emotions. In that moment, Katrina couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden beneath Xavier's enigmatic facade, "Katrina," Xavier's voice broke the silence, his intense gaze locking with hers. Katrina's world froze as Xavier's voice cut through the quiet, his eyes locking with hers. I had to do my job am sorry it cause commotion and interrupt your lesson ,he said, his words heavy with no meaningKatrina's heart raced as she confronted Xavier, her voice laced with a mix of anger and hurt. "I could fire you right now your not explaining this to me properly you attack my teacher for no reason," she proclaimed, her words echoing in the tense silence between them. Xavier's expression remained unreadable,Katrina, fueled by anger and hurt, stormed out of the room, leaving Xavier standing there, a mix of regret and longing in his eyes. The door slammed shut behind her, the sound reverberating in the now-empty space. A sense of tension hung in the air, the unresolved emotions between them lingering like a storm waiting to break. And as Katrina disappeared from view, a wave of uncertainty washed over Xavier.

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