Chapter 2:Noises

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As the clock struck midnight, Katrina was roused from her peaceful slumber by an unsettling noise that echoed hauntingly through the shadows of her bedroom. With a sudden jolt, her eyes snapped open, revealing the murky silhouette of a tall, foreboding figure standing before her. A shiver of dread crept down her spine as the figure loomed closer, its presence enveloped in a cloak of darkness. The air grew heavy with an otherworldly chill, and Katrina's heart pounded in her chest, the rhythm matching the ominous beat of the night. Frozen in fear, she strained to discern the features of the mysterious intruder, but all she could perceive was a piercing gaze that seemed to glimpse into her very soul. In that moment, a hushed, eerie whisper emanated from the figure, sending a shiver down Katrina's spine as the dark figure drew closer, Katrina's heart raced with a mixture of fear and intrigue. Suddenly, a deep, familiar voice cut through the eerie silence, uttering her name with an air of reassurance. Startled, Katrina's eyes widened in recognition as she realized that the looming presence before her was none other than Xavier, . His voice, once haunting, now carried a sense of comfort and familiarity that seeped into the room, dispelling the earlier dread. With a sense of cautious relief washing over her, Katrina dared to meet Xavier's gaze, searching for answers in the depths of his piercing eyes. The reunion between them was as unexpected as it was enigmatic, shrouded in a veil of mystery . Apologies for the brief awakening," Xavier murmured softly, his tone laced with sincerity. Katrina's initial tension dissipated as his words carried a sense of genuine concern. With a gentle sigh, she responded, "It's okay. You startled me, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness. The tension that had clouded the room began to lift, replaced by a newfound calmness that enveloped them in a moment of understanding.When  Katrina urged Xavier to return to bed, he remained fixed in place, his unwavering gaze unsettling her. Despite her repeated pleas, Xavier's silent stare lingered, casting a tense atmosphere over the room. A sense of unease crept over Katrina as the quiet seconds stretched on, suddenly Xavier's eyes  turn a mesmerizing bright red, leaving Katrina captivated yet apprehensive at the unexpected transformation."Xavier, your eyes... they changed color," said Katrina, her voice filled with confusion and surprise.Xavier snapped out of his mysterious trance and swiftly exited the room, leaving Katrina to ponder the strange encounter. "What just happened?" Katrina questioned, puzzled by the abrupt and baffling turn of events.A little while later, Katrina settled back into a peaceful slumber, her mind swirling with unanswered questions from the earlier encounter with Xavier.As the first rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, Katrina's housekeeper gently woke her, excitement bubbling in the air as news of her tutor's imminent arrival spread. Katrina thanked her housekeeper with a grateful smile before dashing off to the washroom to get ready for the day ahead, a little while later Katrina descended the stairs , a rush of excitement surged through her at the sight of Xavier lounging on the couch. Clad in a snug sweater that highlighted his strong physique and glasses perched on his chiseled features, he exuded an irresistible charm as he delved into a book. His magnetic presence held her transfixed,"Morning, everyone," Katrina greeted with a warm smile, Xavier looked up from his book and met Katrina's gaze with a warm smile. "Good morning,"he replied,Katrina nodded in acknowledgment, and gracefully made her way to the seat, after Katrina sat down, Xavier cleared his throat and spoke up, his tone sincere and apologetic. "I want to apologize for the misunderstanding we had last night, it won't happen again, and I appreciate your understanding," he said, his gaze earnest as he sought to mend any rifts that had formed between them.Before Katrina could respond to Xavier's apology, the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. Both of them exchanged a curious glance before Xavier rose from the couch to answer the door, leaving Katrina wondering about who was at the door.

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