Chapter 7:Birthday Invitation

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"Get your hands off her," Willow exclaimed, her voice filled with conviction and determination as she stood between Xavier and Katrina. The tension in the air was palpable, As Willow's words echoed through the air, Xavier hesitated for a moment, his grip loosening on Katrina's hands. His gaze shifted between Willow's fierce expression and the determined glint in Katrina's eyes. With a deep breath, he finally released his hold, then stepping back .With resolve in her eyes, Willow swiftly carried Katrina upstairs, leaving Xavier behind in the hallway. Their footsteps echoed as they disappeared up to the bedroom. A while later in the Katrina's bedroom, Willow asked Katrina why she trusted Xavier. Katrina defended her relationship with Xavier to Willow, explaining, "I don't exactly trust him, but he's my bodyguard, Willow. You have to understand that. Why are you behaving like that? Willow, taken aback by Katrina's explanation, paused to consider her friend's perspective, "Hmm," Willow replied, taking a moment to process Katrina's words and the depth of their situation. An understanding silence filled the room."Okay," Willow said softly before leaving Katrina alone in the room, with a mix of emotions lingering in the air.Meanwhile, in Katrina's room, thoughts raced through her mind. "I don't understand why she's behaving like this," Katrina pondered. "Her parents just passed on, and she isn't showing any signs of grieving. Instead, she's skeptical of Xavier. He may be mysterious, but I've learned to be cool with that. It seems like she doesn't trust him. Katrina's inner turmoil grew as she grappled with the different layers of emotions surrounding her friend's behavior.Katrina was suddenly startled by the knock on her door, Katrina quickly composed herself and called out, "Come in." She wondered who could be seeking her attention at this moment, as Xavier entered the room, Katrina was taken aback. Xavier then spoke up, saying, "I was going to ask you for a favor earlier, but your friend interrupted me."What's the favor?" replied Katrina, "I know I haven't been working for long and shouldn't ask for any days off or anything, but it's going to be my mother's birthday tomorrow, and she's throwing a party. She wanted me to come, but I told her I wasn't sure since I just started working with you. She asked me to ask you if you would like to come," Xavier explained, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he awaited Katrina's response."Of course! I can't let you miss something as important as your mother's birthday, Xavier. I would be happy to come replied Katrina ,and would it be ok if I bought along Willow asked Katrina,Xavier's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and gratitude as he extended the invitation, "Yes, feel free to bring her, Katrina,said Xavier.In that heartfelt moment, Katrina embraced Xavier warmly, a genuine smile on her face. Before they could fully revel in the embrace, a furry bundle disrupted the sweet moment. Willow, eager for attention, popped up between them, what are u doing katrina ,why are u trying to hug that animal said Willow.Katrina's gentle voice held a firm tone as she addressed Willow's sassy remarks. "Why do you keep calling him that", Willow? stop it, it's not nice," she said, her eyes soft but determined. Willow, the mischievous feline, tilted her head, Willow, with a hint of mischief in her eyes, simply replied, "Hmm, alright." Xavier, feeling hurt, left the room abruptly, leaving Willow and Katrina behind."Why do you behave like that around him?" questioned Katrina,Willow, feeling agitation, quietly left the room without offering an answer.In her mind, Katrina thought, "I don't understand. Both of them are so confusing." Feeling a mix of emotions, Katrina tried to make sense of the situation as Willow's mysterious behavior continued to baffle her.

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