Chapter 16:Resignation

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A week went by and Xavier remained unconscious. The doctor said he was physically okay, but his mind seemed to be trap in an unconscious state.The doctor then explained that Xavier's extended unconsciousness was likely due to the effects of Willow's enchantment.After listening to what doctor Sandar had to say Katrina went up to her bedroom to call her mother, but sadly there was no answer.Katrina then drifted away to sleep was then woken up after a while because of a loud commotion coming from downstairs ,Katrina then arose from her bed, still groggy from sleep, and headed downstairs to investigate the source of the noise.When Katrina made her way downstairs, she spotted Xavier and her mother seated on the couch, engrossed in a conversation ,as soon as Xavier and Katrina's mother laid eyes on her, they both rose from the couch. Xavier politely excused himself, leaving Katrina alone with her mother, a curious and apprehensive atmosphere enveloping the room. Katrina stood frozen, unsure of what to say to her mother. Flashbacks of leaving Xavier unconscious in bed not long ago overwhelmed her, and attempts to call her mother went unanswered. Yet, they seemed at ease, conversing as if they were old friends.Katrina's mother then greeted her with a warm "Good evening" and kindly requested her to take a seat, indicating that they needed to have a conversation. As Katrina settled in, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension filled the room, as they settled in, Katrina's mother began to explain that it was due to Willow's enchantment that Xavier had experienced an early rut, leading to his unconsciousness. She revealed that the doctor had omitted this crucial detail from their earlier conversation. Furthermore, her mother disclosed that Xavier had since awakened and reached out to discuss resigning from his position. "I don't understand what you're saying, Mother. What do you mean he resigned?" Katrina asked, her voice laced with confusion and disbelief. The sudden news of Xavier resigning added another layer of complexity to an already tumultuous situation, leaving Katrina grappling with a flood of conflicting emotions and unanswered questions. She looked to her mother for an explanation, "He mentioned that he's unable to perform his duties effectively and expressed disappointment. He also mentioned that he cannot bear to be around you, though not in a negative manner, my child. Do not worry, I will arrange for a new bodyguard by tomorrow," Katrina's mother explained, providing some insight into Xavier's decision to resign and reassuring her daughter that a replacement would be promptly arranged.Katrina's heart raced as she processed her mother's words, a sense of urgency propelling her into action. Without a moment's hesitation, she bolted out the door in search of Xavier, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions.Katrina searched frantically for Xavier outside, but he was nowhere to be found. With a heavy heart, she realized he was gone, leaving her with a mix of emotions and uncertainty Katrina stood staring at the empty street until her mother silently came outside, standing beside

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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