Chapter 11:So What Are You?

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A few hours passed,when katrina opened her eyes Katrina looked around the room, straining to see if there was anyone else there, but found it empty. Panic began to rise within her as she realized she was  alone Katrina called out for help, her voice trembling in fear. Suddenly, a strange man came to the room ,he had a doctor's outfit had eyes as deep and mysterious as the blue ocean. His hair stretched down to his feet, framing his features like a dark curtain. But as he turned towards Katrina, she noticed something strange - his teeth were sharp and pointed like fangs, and his ears were pointed like a wolf's. A giant, furry tail swished behind him, adding to his eerie appearance. Katrina couldn't help but shudder at the sight of this unsettling figure "I've been waiting for you to awake,miss Katrina am doctor Sander ," the man spoke in a low, chilling voice that sent shivers down her spine.Don't be scared am just a doctor they called in to check on you,I already did but I was waiting for you to be awake to check other stuff before leaving.Katrina then nodded im understanding as the doctor check other matters.As the doctor finished his examination and departed, a sense of relief washed over Katrina. However, her peace was short-lived as Xavier and Willow entered the room, their expressions a mix of concern and relief.

"Katrina, are you alright?" Xavier's voice was filled with worry as he approached her bedside. Willow's eyes brimmed with unspoken questions as she reached out a comforting hand."Don't worry, guys, I'm alright," Katrina reassured Xavier and Willow as she gathered her thoughts. With a deep breath, she looked at her friends and said, "I have a question to ask you all." The room fell silent as Xavier and Willow waited,"I know I can't be seeing things because I saw that doctor with ears and a tail, and I saw you had the same thing, Xavier. Was what my mother saying about the supernatural true?" asked Katrina.Xavier and Willow then nodded,In the hushed stillness of the room, Katrina's soft sigh lingered like a whispered secret, her words carrying a weighty truth that threatened to unravel the fabric of their reality. "I need some quiet to gather my thoughts," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mixture of uncertainty and resolve. As Xavier and Willow exchanged knowing glances then they both left the room quietly leaving."This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. How the hell can I be some guardian? Well, then again, Mother said she didn't think I would be, because she wasn't. I hope she's right, because I don't want to be. That's too much of a responsibility. And all this talk about the supernatural is just foolishness, but that foolishness is the truth, and I've got to deal with it. I should go talk to both of them about this. I want to see it again," said Katrina.Katrina stepped out into the living room. The soft light of the lamp created a cozy atmosphere, wrapping her in a sense of comfort. She spotted Willow and Xavier engrossed in conversation and called out to them.They both noticed her and made their way over to where she stood.Xavier and Willow both simultaneously asked Katrina why she got out of bed.Katrina then requested to see Xavier's wolf ears again, Xavier stammered in response to Katrina's unexpected request, just show her said Willow,Xavier then nodded in agreement.As Xavier felt Katrina's gaze upon him, a tingling sensation began to emanate from his scalp. Slowly, the sensation intensified, and he could feel tiny prickles and movement on the top of his head. Without warning, two small, furry protrusions emerged from his hairline. At first, they were mere nubs, but rapidly they grew in size and shape, taking on the appearance of pointed, wolf-like ears. Soft and velvety to the touch, they twitched and adjusted themselves, reacting to Xavier's every movement. As Katrina's fingertips caressed Xavier's wolf-like ears, a surge of enchantment enveloped them. In a mesmerizing twist of fate, a silvery-grey tail emerged from Xavier's lower back, swaying with elegance and allure."Um, I'm still here. Stop the lovey-dovey stuff, please," said Willow,Katrina then removed her hand and chuckled."I guess this supernatural stuff is kinda cool," said Katrina.Both Willow and Xavier nodded.Katrina then turned her eyes to Willow and glared, "So, Willow, if he's a werewolf, what are you?"

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