Chapter 6:Tension

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Katrina's heart pounded in her chest as she finally mustered the courage to approach one of the police officers. Her voice trembled as she asked the question she dreaded receiving an answer to. The officer's expression darkened, his eyes filled with sorrow as he began to speak.

"We found Willow's parents' bodies in their house," the officer's voice was heavy with grief. "It appears they were the victims of a violent crime."

Katrina felt a wave of devastation crash over her, her world crumbling around her as the weight of the news sank in .Katrina's steps felt heavy as she made her way back to Willow, her heart aching with grief for her friend's immeasurable loss. As she approached Willow, she could sense the emptiness in her friend's eyes, the pain and shock rendering her expressionless.

"Willow," Katrina whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm so sorry. I'm here for you, whatever you need."

But Willow remained unresponsive, her eyes distant and vacant. Katrina wrapped her arms around her friend, offering what little comfort she could in the face of such unbearable tragedy. The silence between them was suffocating, the weight of the loss pressing down on them both.Katrina felt a knot form in her stomach as a police officer approached, his expression stern and professional. "We will have to take her to the station to ask a few questions," he stated matter-of-factly. "Once we are done, we can arrange for a relative or someone for her to stay with."

Katrina's heart sank at the thought of Willow having to endure more questioning and uncertainty in the midst of her unimaginable grief. She looked at the officer with pleading eyes, begging for some compassion in the face of such a heartbreaking situation.

"Please, can't we give her a moment to process everything?" Katrina's voice wavered with emotion, her concern for her friend palpable. But the officer remained resolute, his duty to investigate the crime overriding any sense of empathy.

Resigned but determined, Katrina nodded in agreement, knowing that Willow's well-being was paramount. As they prepared to leave, she silently vowed to stand by her friend, offering whatever support she needs.After a tense and emotional questioning at the police station, Willow's demeanor remained stoic and distant. The police officer, observing her somber state, offered to call someone for her – perhaps a relative or a friend who could provide comfort and support in such a trying time.

But to everyone's surprise, Willow quietly refused the officer's offer. "I have no one," she said softly, her voice tinged with melancholy. "I would like to stay with Katrina, if that's okay."

The officer exchanged a momentary glance with Katrina, who nodded in silent agreement. Despite the weight of the situation and the uncertainty of what lay ahead, Katrina knew she couldn't turn her back on her friend in her time of need.As the officer observed Willow's resolve to stay with Katrina, he nodded in understanding and granted them permission to leave the police station. The weight of the tragedy hung heavy in the air as they stepped outside into the cool night.

To their surprise, as they made their way towards the exit, they saw Xavier standing by the car, his gaze filled with concern and a hint of relief. Without a word, he opened the door for Willow and Katrina, a silent gesture of support and understanding in their time of need.

As they settled into the car, the ride back to Katrina's house was somber and quiet, the events of the day weighing heavily on their hearts. After arriving at Katrina's house, Katrina carried Willow to her room and instructed the chef to prepare dinner. The aroma of a comforting meal filled the house, bringing a sense of normalcy in the midst of turmoil. Gathered around the table, they found solace in each other's company.As Xavier, Katrina, and Willow sat down to eat, Willow broke the silence by addressing Xavier. "So you're her new bodyguard now, huh?" she remarked wryly, a hint of amusement in her voice.With a nod, Xavier simply confirmed, "Yes, I am." his response was calm and collected,
"I wonder why Miss Kilton would hire someone like you," pondered Willow aloud, her curiosity tinged with a hint of skepticism.Xavier replied thoughtfully, "I believe Miss Kilton values the safety and well-being of those she cares about, and she sees me as someone who can help ensure that."
Willow teased Xavier, commenting, "Talking all fancy, huh?" "I despise people like you pretending to be something you're not, playing the part of a noble creature when deep down, you're nothing but a wild animal," Willow's words targeted Xavier with a cutting intensity, "Sorry about that," Xavier apologized, realizing they had briefly strayed . " Willow nodded in agreement, suddenly both Xavier and Katrina watched as Willow suddenly  stood up gracefully and made her way upstairs, as Katrina proceeded to ascend the stairs, Xavier couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing him towards her. In a bold move, he gently took her hands in his, the touch sending a wave of electricity through them both. Their eyes locked in a hypnotic gaze, an unspoken language of desire and intrigue pulsating between them, Xavier was about to ask Katrina a question when suddenly Willow appeared downstairs, interrupting their moment .

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