Chapter 15:Willow's Enchantment

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"She's gone I woke up and she wasn't there," said Willow.Xavier then frantically scoured the hide, combing through every nook and cranny of the house, imploring the housekeepers and all in his presence to join in the urgent search for her.Xavier then dashed outside, racing up the street and into a park, where his eyes fell upon Katrina seated beside a mysterious figure.He possessed a tall and slender frame, his hair neatly trimmed, his eyes a piercing emerald green. Clad in a black hoodie and blue jeans.They appeared engrossed in a deep conversation, so absorbed that they didn't even notice Xavier standing right before them.Xavier's voice crackled with a mix of concern and frustration as he confronted Katrina, "Where the hell have you been? You can't just disappear without saying anything!"The mysterious man began to rise to speak, but Katrina swiftly stood up and uttered. "Excuse us" before leading Xavier away from the bench where Katrina and the man were .Katrina then spoke in a calm tone, "I just got up and went for a walk ,and I noticed him sitting on the bench looking frustrated, so I went over to check on him. That's all. "Katrina, you can't do that. It's dangerous.Don't you know the saying, 'don't talk to strangers'. What if he had kidnapped you? Please, don't take such risks again." replied Xavier.Katrina then nodded and suggested, "Would you come with me for a moment? Can I introduce you to him so he won't feel like a stranger?"Xavier hesitate but finally agreed, "Hmm, sure," he replied, his tone laced with suspicion.They both walked back to the bench only to find that the man was no longer there."Where did he go?" Katrina asked."I'm not sure where he went, but let's take you back home. Everyone is worried about you," Xavier suggested,Katrina then nodded and followed Xavier back to the mansion.
A few minutes later, as they arrived at the mansion, a crowd gathered around Katrina, eager to know where she had been and bombarding her with a barrage of questions.With a calm but authoritative tone, Xavier intervened, gently informing everyone to give Katrina some space. He explained that she had simply been out for a walk. As his words sank in, the crowd quieted down and eventually dispersed, leaving only Xavier and Katrina in the room.Katrina smiled gratefully at Xavier and softly uttered, "Thank you," before gracefully excusing herself and heading to her room,Curious about Willow's whereabouts, Xavier glanced around the room and then turned to ask, "Where's Willow?" Xavier, feeling a sense of urgency, quickly made his way upstairs to Katrina's room and knocked on the door. Within seconds, Willow opened the door, her eyes questioning as she asked, "what do you want?"its nothing I just wanted to know where you were that's all replied Xavier.Well now you know so you can leave now,Willow then shut the door infront of Xavier.I am unsure of whether she has mood swings or just enjoys switching between different aspects of her personality Xavier said to himself ,Xavier then shrugged his shoulders and went to his bedroom.Later that evening, Katrina stepped out of her room and descended to the backyard, where she found Xavier admiring the evening sky,spotting her, Xavier warmly greeted Katrina with a cheerful hello,Katrina then reciprocated the greeting with a friendly hello in return.As Katrina stood in the tranquility of the evening, the fading light casting a soft glow around her, she felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Slowly turning to her side, she caught Xavier's eyes fixed on her, a depth of intensity that seemed to draw her in. His gaze held a magnetic allure,
Suddenly, Xavier's touch sent shivers down Katrina's spine as he gently placed his hands on her cheek, his caress setting her senses ablaze .He then suddenly moved in close, their breaths mingling in a charged moment,Xavier's eyes then turned into a menacing shade of red.Katrina's heart raced as she felt something sharp grazing her cheek, and as she looked in she realised his eyes were a menacing red again.Katrina's hands trembled as she tried to push against Xavier's grip, but his strength was overwhelming, holding her in place as the realization of the danger she was in sent a wave of panic coursing through her veins.Xavier's low, husky voice sent a shiver down Katrina's spine as he spoke, his words both mesmerizing and chilling at the same time. "You smell so lovely," he murmured, "Xavier, please let go, you're scaring me," Katrina pleaded, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and desperation. With each passing moment, the intensity of the situation only seemed to grow, leaving her feeling trapped and vulnerable.Willow's sudden appearance was like a beacon of hope in the midst of Katrina's fear and uncertainty. With swift and decisive action, Willow emerged and removed Xavier's hands from Katrina.Willow's hands danced in intricate patterns as she called upon ancient powers, her eyes alight with an otherworldly glow. A surge of energy pulsed through Xavier's body, causing him to shiver and convulse uncontrollably. His once fiery red eyes faded, replaced by a calm cerulean blue, and his body seemed to writhe in an unseen battle.With a furious growl, his muscles tense with an otherworldly strength ,and then, just as suddenly as it had begun, Xavier's movements ceased, his body going limp as he collapsed to the ground, unconscious .

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