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Trisha 's POV

I am so excited today as I am going to Vrindavan after a long time.
Vrindavan is my favourite place. I feel peace there.

Every year me and my bestie visit there.We both believe in Lord Krishan so much.

I was getting ready when Poonam shouted from her room "Trishu jaldi ready ho ja. Late krvake maanegi kya."

I replied "10 min only."

She is my bestfriend and my crime partner too who knows my all secrets.
She irritates me sometimes but still I love her the most.

I was doing my hairs when she came in my room and shouted " Haaye rabba, kya kru m is ldki ka . You can't even get ready at time."

She helped me for doing my hairs and we both were ready .

She helped me for doing my hairs and we both were ready

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Veer 's POV

Yesterday my mom told me that we are going to Vrindavan with my whole family.
I told her that I'm so busy , I can't come but she is my mom , she did a little bit mellow drama and Finally I agreed . No matter how much busy I am but I can't deny her words. She is world for me.

We were all ready to go suddenly I see two monkeys were waiting for me .
Oh wait! They are my bestfriends .
By the way they are also not less than a monkey.

Don't know why my mom invited them with us . These monkeys never leave me alone.

We all were in iskcon temple now.
Vrindavan is the place I can spend my whole life in . I found peace here.

It was the time of the aarti now .
I was standing there suddenly a girl came at my right side and stand .

Her eyes were closed . She was draped in a beautiful white saree looking like a goddess.

I was lost in her beauty. I was staring better to say admiring her.

Suddenly, she looked at me. Maybe she felt my gaze on her.

Our eyes met . I felt something strange in my heart which I have never felt before. It was a strange feeling.

We both were looking at each other. She diverted her gaze and her cheeks were red wait was she blushing.

I was still looking at her like a crazy person.

Then she disappeared from my eyes because of the crowd there. My eyes for still finding that beauty.

Then she disappeared from my eyes because of the crowd there. My eyes for still finding that beautiful girl.

Trisha's POV

We were in iskcon temple now.
It is so beautiful. No matter how many times I came here but still it's beautiful always mesmerises me.

We clicked a lot of pics there and enjoy the views.

It was the time of Aarti now.
We both went for the aarti. I was standing there with my closed eyes and praying to kanha that keep my friends and family happy always.

Suddenly I felt someone is looking at me. I saw at my left side. There was standing a man may be in his mid twenties. He was so handsome looking, his personality was just perfect. His brown eyes were just looking like an ocean and I was feeling like to drown in them.
His messy hairs were enhancing his looks.

It was the first time I was looking at any men for this much long time.
Yes you are listening right . I have never had any feelings for any man.

I was just lost in his eyes suddenly Poonam shook me . I diverted my gaze and I was blushing wait am I blushing but why??

I want to look at him again but don't know where he disappeared in the crowd.

I prayed in my mind " Please kanha I want to see him one more time."

We were going by now.
Poonam was talking to me but I had zero attention on her talks. I was thinking only about him. His face was not getting out of my mind.

I came out of my thoughts when Poonam's phone rang .
She went a little away

I was just walking here and there thinking about him.

Suddenly my bangles got stuck in someone's kurta. When I looked at him I saw that it was the same guy who was seeing me before sometime.
I was once again lost in him but then I realised that I was staring at him like a lost person.

I tried to remove my bangles from his kurta. My heartbeat was very fast like my heart will explode the next moment.

He was continuously looking at me.
He helped me to remove my bangles from his kurta.

I quickly said him " sorry!" As I was blushing and my heart beat was so fast . I came from there .

Veer's POV

I was going outside the temple suddenly someone's bangles stuck in my kurta.

I saw her , she was the same beautiful girl I was admiring before.

Our eyes met once again and I felt like the most luckiest person in the whole world because I found her again. Destiny also help the people who are made for each other .

She was getting nervous her cheeks were crimson red making her look more cute. I helped her to remove those bangles from my kurta .

She said me " sorry! " And went away . She was blushing and looking not less than a goddess.

I felt like to look at her more .
I can admire her for hours. I felt like to cage her in my arms and not let her go away from me.

I realised what I was thinking and said I'm my mind

"Oh my god! What's happening to me .
I am VEER SINGHANIA. How can I fell for any girl . No no veer you can't fell for someone forget about her she is just a random girl."

A voice came from my heart " no she is not a random girl, something is special in her."

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