Husband - Wife

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She glared at him and removed her foot from his lap and wore her heels .
She said,"let's go , we are getting late."

He started driving and soon they reached their destination.
They both came out of the car and headed towards the hotel.

They entered the hotel and saw that their clients were waiting for them . They both went to them and did a little bit of introduction formally.

After that they both sat on their seats and started the meeting. After an hour , their meeting came to an end . Veer and Trisha stood up from their seats . They both shook hands with the clients and then they both left the hotel.

It was 7:30 in the evening.

They both sat in their car and started leaving the place . After 15 minutes of driving . Their car stopped suddenly in the middle of a deserted road. Trisha moved a little bit forward with the jerk as the car stopped suddenly but Veer put his hands around her shoulder and collar bone area and protected her from hitting the dashboard.

He asked her,"You are fine na."

She said,"hmm , but why did you stop the car suddenly."

He replied,"I didn't. May be there is some problem in the car."

He tried to start the car again . But it didn't started.

The weather was also very bad . Their was thunder storm and lightning strike. Wind was flowing with high speed.

Veer get out of the car and opened the bonnet of the car. Trisha also got out of car to check what happened. The cool breeze was flowing.

Trisha asked,"What happened,Veer?"

Veer replied,"Umm... I think there is some issue in the car . I have to call the mechanic."

Trisha said with a worried face,"Then call the mechanic quickly na .... The road is also deserted and the weather is also bad ."

Veer said while chuckling,"are you scared?"

Trisha said while rolling her eyes,"No I'm not . I just want to go home quickly ."

They were talking standing outside the car . Suddenly it started raining heavily and they both got drenched a little.
They both rushed towards the car and sat inside.

Trisha shouted on him,"Now you are calling mechanic or not , veer. Or you want to spend whole night here in the car,huh?"

Veer replied while smirking,"Oh ! So you are so desperate to stay with me the whole night in the car."

Trisha regretted her words and said without making an eye contact,"shutup! And call the mechanic."

Veer take out his phone and called the mechanic.

He told the mechanic their location and then just hummed at what mechanic said.

He kept his phone in his pocket.

Trisha asked,"what did he say? How much time will he take to reach here?"

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