Party invitation

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Next day.........

She woke up and her eyes went in gajras kept on the side table. She again thought that who could send it but then she saw the time in clock and  went to bathroom and take a bath. She wore her formals and few accessories, light makeup and perfume. She then took her stuff.

She sat in her car and started driving to office. After 40 mins she reached there . She parked her car in parking and at the same time Veer was also coming out of his car. They saw each other and Veer smiled at her . She also gave him a small smile. He came to her and said,"Good morning Ms. Aggarwal."

She replied,"Good morning Mr. Singhania."
They both left parking lot and we're entering in the office building. They were talking while entering and smiling at each other.
After seeing them like this , all of their employees were shocked because they saw their boss talking and smiling to any girl first time.

One girl said to another girl,"Why are they coming together. Are they dating?"

Other girl replied,"Don't know , but they look nice together."

They were talking slowly but Veer and Trisha heard everything. Veer was smiling inside. And Trisha was shocked after hearing them. Her cheeks blushed a little. But none of them didn't speak anything and ignored them . They both headed towards their cabin.

Trisha was sitting in her cabin when someone knocked. She said,"Come in."

An employee came inside and said to her ,"Mam I have prepared theses files , you can check them."

She nodded and she kept the files on her desk.
She took the files and started checking them. After half hour she checked them . Now she have to give the files to Veer for approval. She smiled as now she will get to see him.
She took the files and went to his cabin. She knocked the door. He said,"Come in"

She entered the cabin. He was busy in his laptop doing some work so he didn't notice who is there.
She said,"Mr. Singhania, these files."

When he heard her voice , he immediately close the laptop and smiled at her. She smiled back.
And said,"You have to sign on these files."

He nodded. She was going back but he stopped her and said,"I want to talk to you.

She turned and he gestured her to sit on the chair. She sat there. She was waiting for him to say something but Veer was lost in admiring her. She said,"Tell me . " And he came back to his senses and He said,"Malhotras are our business partners and are throwing a success party tonight . So I'm going there and I would like it if you come with me . " He smiled at her.

She said,"Me??"
He said ,"Yeah , you are also a shareholder of our company and you can meet many business partners there."
She said,"okk ! I will come."
He said," Great! You will be ready at 8:00 PM I will pick you from your house."
She said," no need to bother yourself. Just send me the address of venue , I will reach there."
He said," no it's okk I have no problem."
She was going to say,"But..."
He interrupted her,"No buts and ifs you are going with me and it's final."
She was shocked but then she agreed as she also wants to spend time with him.
She said,"Okk I will text you my address."
He nodded and she left from there.
He leaned back on his chair and said to himself,"How can someone be this beautiful. This girl had done some magic on me. Whenever I see her I get lost in her beauty. "
He smiled and get back to his work.

Here in Trisha's cabin . She was getting excited as she is going to party with him. She said to herself,"he invited me to the party means he wants to spend time with me. Means he like me too. "
But then her mind said," you are just his business partner that's why he invited you , you silly girl."
She then started her work.

It was 6 in evening. She left the office early today as she has to get ready for the party.
She reached her home and Freshen up. She was now standing in front of her wardrobe. She kept her hand under her chin and was thinking what should she wear. She messed up her whole wardrobe for finding a perfect dress. She said while being frustrated," ugh!! What should I wear . I have to look perfect as I'm going with him"
She was finding a dress then her bell rang. She went to open the door.
But no-one was there so she started going inside but then her eyes fell on a bouquet lying on floor.

She picked it up and there was a card in that

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She picked it up and there was a card in that . She read it.
Beautiful flowers for my beauty.
She became confused that who could send flowers to her.
But then she realised that she is getting so late so she went inside with bouquet and started looking in her wardrobe. After searching for half hour . She found a black gown . Her eyes lighten up after seeing that . She decided to wear it.

She wore that gown , did a little makeup, few accessories and sprayed a little bit perfume

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She wore that gown , did a little makeup, few accessories and sprayed a little bit perfume. She got ready and look at herself in mirror. She said to herself,"Looking sexy Trisha. " She gave a flying kiss to her reflection in mirror.

Veer's POV

It's 8 pm now and I'm waiting now in front of her building. I can't wait to see my Haseena. I should call her.
I take out my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. She picked up the call after two rings . I said ," I'm waiting for you here. "
She said ," I'm coming in just 5 min"
I nodded and she disconnected the call.

Author's POV

Veer was waiting for Trisha while standing in front of his car with his hands in pocket. He was looking at time in his wrist watch . When he hear sound of heels and he lifted his gaze . He saw Trisha coming out of building gate and was looking so hot.
Veer's eyes were stuck at her  only he was looking at her with his mouth open which was noticed by Trisha and she blushed at his expression.

He noticed how few hair strands were falling on her face and playing with air , were looking so good on her. That black gown was hugging her curves perfectly.
She came to him and stand near him.
He came out of his lala land and smiled at her. She also smiled back.

Trisha was waiting for his compliment. And he said," The word beauty is worthless without you, Trisha ."
She chuckled at his compliment. Her cheeks were pink because of blushing. She said to him ,"You are looking handsome too Mr. Singhania."

He said," You can call me Veer."
She replied,"umm... Okay
We should leave now."
He nodded and open the door of passenger seat for her like a gentle man . She sat there and he came to the driving seat and they both left for the venue.


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