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Author's POV

They both were sitting and discussing in his cabin. When someone knocked on the door.
Veer said," Come in ."
His secretary entered and said ,"Sir , Mam you both have to attend meeting with khuranas after 10 mins ."
He told them about the meeting and then left.

Veer first look at time in his Rolex wrist watch and said ," I think We should leave for the conference room as meeting is going to start in 10 mins ."

She nodded at his statement and they both got up from the couch . They headed towards the door . He opened the door of cabin for her and they both left for cabin.

They both reach the conference room and sit on their respective seats. Their was a long glass tables and many other business partners were also seating. They were seating opposite to each other.

He was admiring her sitting there but then he moved as One of employees from Khurana industry said," I want to show you all a presentation about our company."

They both were focusing on the presentation but then her eyes fell on veer who was sitting in front of her . She was staring at him with her doe eyes . She was looking at his hairs that were perfectly set and his muscular body.
She thought," He is so perfect just like my fictional men . A perfect jawline, a muscular body , Tall height, deep ocean like hazel brown orbs , deep voice . Ahh !! He is so hot . "

Trisha's POV

I thought,"Oh wait Am I checking him out . Stop it Trisha , you are staring at him like a maniac . But I can't take my eyes off from him . He is so adorable . "
I was lost in him suddenly he turned towards me . Our eyes met and blood rushed to my cheeks.
O my god . Did he see me looking at him . Ohh noo what should I do now .
I immediately turned my eyes towards the big screen . I'm definitely sure that my cheeks are red . Ah I'm so embarrassed. What will he think about me now.

Veer's POV

I was sitting there and looking at presentation. But then I felt someone's gaze on me . I know very well who it is .
She is my sweetheart and she has full right to stare at me as I belong to her only. I can feel that from last 10 mins she is continuously looking at me.
My sweetheart do you want me to loose my control.
I turned my gaze towards her and my eyes met to her doe eyes . She was now shocked as I looked at her. She immediately turned her eyes other side . She was blushing and her cheeks were red . She was looking so cute . How much innocence is in her eyes . I can look into them for whole day . She is so shy and that's what I like most about her .
I was still looking at her waiting for her to turn.

Trisha's POV

I thought,"What should I do now . Wait is he still looking at me. Should I turn to see?
No no what if he is still looking at me. I don't think that he is looking."

I turned a little and I found that he was resting his head on his hand and looking at me . Our eyes met again and a small smile played on his face.
I was embarrassed again. O shit! What's happening to me . Trisha you are so mad . What was the need to look again at him. I can feel that he is still looking at me.
He is shameless too!!
I will not look at him again as I don't want to embarrass my self again .

Veer's POV

I was still looking at her while resting my head on my hand. She turned and look at me but she turned her face again to other side as she was so nervous and shy . I passed her a small smile. She turned her eyes from me.
She was trying to hide her blushing cheeks from me . When someone said ," What do you think about this project, Ms. Aggarwal?"

She came out of her dreamland and said," Ya ! It's a great idea."
I couldn't control myself and chuckled at her response.
She noticed that and looked at me shyly.
I looked directly in her eyes and again she turned her eyes away.

Author's POV

The meeting was now over and every one was leaving conference room. She was also going out of the room when she saw him coming towards her. First she ignored him and started moving outside but then he came towards her and lean to level of her height. He whispered in her ear,"You should focus on the meeting Ms . Aggarwal. "
Her eyes widened in shock after hearing his statement. She looked at him with a shocking expression. And he just gave her a smile .
He went from there and she was standing like a statue. She said to herself,"Shit !! I'm feeling like to dig a hole in the ground and hide in it. I'm so embarrassed. "
She went to her cabin and started doing her work.
All the time she was only thinking about the morning incident.

It was eight in the evening.
She looked at time in her watch and said ,"I should leave now , the rest of work I will complete tomorrow."
She left the office and drove to her flat. She came and freshen up and was doing dinner by now . When her bell rang and she opened the door.
She saw a delivery boy.
He said forwarding her a box ,"This is for you mam."
She thought it looked like the same box I received yesterday. She told the delivery boy that how can she take this box when she didn't know who send it.

But the delivery boy said ,"Mam I don't know who send this but this is for you only . "
She sighed and took that box from him. She went inside and thought,"yesterday also I recieved a box . There is not any name or address of sender too."
She opened the box and saw a pair of gazra of red roses. A smile came on her face she picked up the gazra and wore it in her hands.

 A smile came on her face she picked up the gazra and wore it in her hands

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There was a note too. She opened that and read.

Dekha Jo aankhon mein Teri hum duniya bhula baithe......
Ek hi toh Dil tha , use bhi tere naam kar baithe........

She smiled after reading the shayri but then her expressions change to confused ones .
She said to herself,"Who is behind this all? I want to know."

She kept that gazras in the box and slept.

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