Shayd hamein bhi pyaar hojaye aapse!

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Author's POV

In a very dark room full of silence.
Someone's footsteps were heard. That man sat on the chair kept in the centre of the room. He has a powerful aura . His eyes were red from anger. And that man was none other than Veer Singhania. In front of him there was a guy sitting whose body was full of fresh wounds. Blood was dripping from corner of his mouth . He was groaning in pain.
When that guy noticed that someone is sitting in front of him . He lifted his eyes slowly and looked at him . He was frightened after noticing the anger on veer's face.
He uttered slowly," Leave me."
Veer said with a smirk ," You dared to touch my girl and now saying that leave me . You have to pay for what you did.

That man said with a fearful face," I will not even look at her from now . Please let me go . "
Veer chuckled and said," Zinda rhega tab dekhega na."
His eyes widened after hearing his words . He started pleading," Please forgive me . I am joining hands in front of you. Please I'm begging."

Veer paid no attention to him. And ordered one of his man .
A man came towards that guy with a sharp and large dagger in his hand.
Veer said to him," from these hands you dared to touch her , right? "
Veer glanced at his man once. And he understood his boss's order. He put the dagger on that guy's hand. And with a strong attack, he cut that man's hand. He shouted in pain,"aaaahhhhhh.......... Please show some mercy." He was breathing heavily.
Veer chuckled and said," Mercy and me ? They are two different tracks"
He further said," wait a minute, you were joining your hands , weren't you?
Now join them may be I can forgive you."
That guy looked at him blankly and started crying," leave me , please, how can I join my hands now."
Veer said,"that's not my problem.
tch tch tch you are not following my orders , you didn't join your hands . And I don't pardon them who disobey my orders."
After saying this he shoot that man right in between his eyebrows. And that man's head hung behind the chair with his mouth open.

Veer got up from his chair and moved his hand in his hairs. And than he walked away from there. All his men were terrified after seeing his powerful aura.


Next day...........

Trisha's POV

I was sitting in my cabin and working on my laptop. I heard a knock on my door. I said," Come in"
I saw veer coming inside and he was looking so handsome and breathtaking. I was literally gawking at him . Oh no! What happened to me whenever I saw him I can't control myself to admire him. He is so fine. I came out of my thoughts when I saw him sitting in front of me. He smiled at me and I also passed him a nervous and small smile. He said," Hy! Actually I came here to tell you about upcoming presentation. So that you can prepare everything accordingly."

I replied," You could inform me on call too."
I said to myself in my mind," Oh stupid girl what are you saying. You are getting a chance to see him and you are saying this . Stop please!.

Veer's POV

I told her about the presentation but it's just an excuse to see her .
She replied," you could inform me on call too"
I looked at her for a moment and thought, my sweetheart, Don't you want to see me ?
Then we both started talking about presentation and upcoming projects of the company.
She was looking so cute . She had tied her hair and few hair strands were falling on her face and she was looking so adorable. But she looks more beautiful in open hairs and why she is wearing spectacles? I want to see her eyes .
And the next moment, I gently pulled rubber band from her hair and wear it on my wrist. She looked at me with shocking expressions . And then I removed her spectacles and hang them on my shirt .
She was looking at me with shock and her cheeks were crimson red as she was blushing so much . I liked it that I have this much effect on her. She is driving me crazy. I put some of her hairs behind her ear.

Trisha's POV

We both were talking and when he pulled out my rubber band and wore it on his wrist. I looked at him with shock. And then he removed my spectacles and hang them on his shirt . I thought, why is he behaving like this . I'm so nervous. Whenever he comes close to me why I felt some different emotions. My heart started beating fast and blood rushed to my cheeks. I asked him ," W_What are you doing?"
He replied in a cute tone being innocent,"what I did."
I said,"why did you open my hairs ?"
He said with a smile," Because you look more beautiful in open hairs and these spectacles were covering your pretty eyes  that's why I removed them . "
Before I could say something there was a knock on the door and a peon came inside. He kept some files on the desk and went back.

He was resting his head on his one hand that was on the desk . I was going to say but before he said,"You know what , You love me "
My eyes widened at his statement. And I said,"Wh_what a_are you saying? Huh? Why would I love you?"

He chuckled at my nervousness and said," Arey koi baat nhi Ms. Aggarwal, Deta hu apko chance , karlo dil ki shyd hamein bhi pyaar hojaye aapse"

I tried to be confident in front of him but we both know that I'm not .
I said,"And You know what , stop being so delusional because Trisha Aggarwal can't love someone."

He smirked and said," We will see Ms. Aggarwal."

He got up from his seat and started going out of my cabin . Wait he took my spectacles with him .

I said,"listen!"
He turned back .
And I said,"At least give me my specs."

He looked at my specs and removed them from his shirt and he move towards me . He forwarded me my specs and said,"I can give you my heart too ." And winked at me with a smile. Before my mind could process anything he went out of my cabin and I was just staring at his disappearing figure .


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