Business Party

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Trisha was sitting with him in car but her heartbeat was fast because she was nervous. Her eyes fell on his one hand that was on the steering wheel. His veiny hands were looking so attractive. She was staring at his hands. When her mind spoke ," stop simping on his hand you idiot."
She shook her head and came back to senses.

After 30 mins.......
They both reached the venue.
Veer came out of the car and came to Trisha's side . He opened the door of car like a gentleman. He forwarded his hand for her . She smiled at him and placed her palm in his hand . She came out of car.
They both entered inside the hall.
It was lavish and grand business party and all the successful business tycoons were invited.
Mr. Malhotra came towards veer with a smile on his face and said," Mr. Singhania, finally you are here we were waiting for you only."
They both shook hands .
Then veer looked at Trisha an gently slide his hand on her waist and lightly pulled her towards himself. She was so shocked on his actions. Shiver ran down to her spine and her cheeks were blushing.
He said," Meet my new business partner, Ms. Trisha Aggarwal."

Mr. Malhotra forwarded his hand towards Trisha for a handshake and said," Nice to meet you Ms. Aggarwal."
They both shook hands and smiled at each other.

Then both veer and Trisha move towards some other business partners. Veer introduced Trisha to everyone. One guy was staring at her like a pervert and with dirty eyes. He  forwarded his hand to Trisha . She shook hands with him but after few seconds he was not leaving her hand and was touching her hand inappropriately. She tried to get free from his hold but he was not leaving her . Veer noticed this behaviour of his and passed a dead glare to him . He left Trisha's hand immediately after earning a glare from Veer.

Veer said to Trisha ," let's go and sit there.
I'm coming in sometime time till then you can enjoy the party."
They met many famous personalities there . After 1-2 hours.

Veer came to Trisha and said," I think we should leave. "
Trisha replied," I'm coming in few minutes. I have to go washroom."
He nodded and she left from there.
After sometime, she came out of washroom and was going towards hall through the corridor. The corridor was empty. Veer was standing outside of corridor waiting for her.
She was walking when someone grabbed her wrist forcefully. She turned immediately and it was the same guy who was staring at her.
She tried to pull her hand but his grip was so tight.
She said with anger in her eyes," what the hell are you doing? Leave my hand you bastard."
He chuckled at her statement and said," What's the rush darling?"
She again tried to pull her hand but he started coming close to her . She pushed him .

Veer thought why she is taking so much time . I should check her. And then he heard some voices from the corridor," leave me , leave my hand."
He opened the door to corridor and entered.
That man was going to slap Trisha but suddenly his hand was stopped in air by Veer. His eyes were fuming with anger . He wanted to kill that man without any mercy.
He shouted at that men with anger ," How dare you to touch her, huh?"

He punched that man on face . He held his neck from back and hit his head to the wall . Blood started coming out of his head.

Trisha was panicking after seeing him like this . She moved a little bit away from them.
But Veer was not going to stop today . He was beating the shit out of that man who dared to touch his girl. Veer's knuckles and hand were now Started bleeding. Trisha noticed this and immediately ran towards him . She held his arm with an intention to stop him.
She tried to pull him away and said,"Veer stop , your hand is bleeding. Stop please!. "
After hearing her voice, he calmed down a bit and left that man's collar with a jerk and he fell down or ground.
Trisha take veer's  hand in her hands and look at him with concern in her eyes . She said ," Veer , your hand is bleeding. Let's go from here."
She dragged him out of the hall. And they both sat in car.

Veer was just looking and admiring her . After seeing her , his anger calms . She gives peace to his heart . Her beautiful face provides calmness to his mind.

Trisha was now finding first aid box in his car . After searching for few minutes she found it. She kept that on her lap . And took veer's hand to treat the wound.

Veer's POV

She pulled my hand gently towards her. My heart started beating faster. Her touch provide calmness to my heart . Whenever she is close to me I felt a sudden rush of emotions in my heart.
She was applying ointment and bandage on my hands . And I was just looking at her beautiful face. She looked at me with her doe eyes. My eyes met hers and I felt something in my heart which can not be explained in words. Her eyes holds so much innocence and affection . Anyone can melt after seeing her eyes. Her rose petals like pink and soft lips . I was controlling myself for not pulling her from her waist on my lap and kissing her till she is out of breath. I came out of my thoughts when I hear her voice.
She said," Thanks for saving me today " and she gave me a sweet and small smile. I also smiled at her.
And I started driving. The whole drive was silent neither I spoke something nor her.

After half hour, we reached to her apartment and she get down from car and said ,"Byy Veer , Take care. " And she smiled at me I also said her byy . Oh God ! This smile I can do anything for this smile.

Author's POV

Veer Take out his phone and dialed Shivaay's number.

( For those who forgot , Shivaay Rajvanshi is veer's bestfriend.)

He picked the call after three rings. Veer told him everything that happened in the party and said to him ,"I want him in front of me in next one hour." He disconnected the call without waiting for his reply.


Hey guys 👋🏻
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