My Trish

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After a few days........

Trisha's POV

I was thinking about whatever happened few days ago , our proximity, his words, his actions. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door of my cabin. I said " come in."
Then the door of my cabin opened and I saw that he was standing there with a smile. He came and sit in front of me .
He said,"How are you sweetheart?"

I replied with no expression,"Don't call me that."

He said making a fake sad face," But you are my sweetheart. Don't you like this name."

I again said,"No"

He said,"Hmm , so what about butterfly and anyway you wander in my mind like a beautiful butterfly"

I replied taking a sigh,"I have a name just call me by that"

He said,"Okay... My Trish."

I replied,"I'm not yours , okay?"

He Stated while leaning closer to me," Nah.. you. are. mine . Only . And. Only . Mine ."

My eyes widened on his statement. I blushed a little okay not little but I hid my smile immediately.

I said ,"Are you for real?"

He replied," Yes baby..... My existence is for you only."

I took a deep breath and said ," you are impossible. Now tell me why you came here."

He said,"To see my Trish"

I looked at him blankly for some seconds. And then he replied
,"We have a meeting but that's not in our office. It's outside and you are coming."

Veer's POV

I said while leaning closer to her,"Nah.. you. are. mine . Only . And. Only . Mine ."

Her eyes widened at my words and I can see her cheeks getting red . I feel like to kiss her whenever I see her crimson red blushing cheeks. Her shyness and blushing will be the reason of my death some day. I saw her smiling but she immediately hid it .

She said,"Are you for real?"

I replied directly looking into her eyes,"Yes baby.... My existence is for you only."
And it's the truth.

She took a deep breath and said,"You are impossible. Now tell me why did you come here?"

I again said with a smile,"To see my Trish."

She looked at me blankly for some seconds as I was just teasing her from the last 15 minutes and I can tell from her expressions that she is also liking it.
But now I thought to end this teasing session. I told her ,"We have a meeting but that's not in our office. It's outside and you are coming."

I didn't tell her the place because if I will tell her then she will not come with me . She will try to go there by her own .

She said me,"Okay fine..... Just send me the location I will reach there."

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