💋Kissed By Fire 🔥Is The Best Way To Get Burned❤️‍🔥

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Lysithea patrols the Wall by herself as Sam and Jon talk about what it's like to have sex with a woman and when Jon sent Sam to get some sleep he went to find Lysithea who was petting a owl "our ol' buddies made a new friend"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice when she hears Jon approach Jon tilts his head curiously at her "another Warg!?!"  he asks she nods then says in her baritone male voice "she's prettier than Orell too.... at least I think it's a she"  he chuckles then his eyes widen for he realizes she means whoever is "on the otherside"/using the owl's eyes is/maybe female "oh shit!"  he whispers "don't worry they can't see us and the worst this poor thing can do is claw your eyes out"  she says in her baritone male voice with a smile he chuckles "come on there's still more Wall to patrol"  she says in her baritone male voice he nods then they walk the Wall side by side they turn back when they hear a horn blow and when they reach the edge of the Wall they see half the woods below had been set aflame "I've seen bigger"  she whispers in her baritone male voice he chuckles she nudges his arm then says in her baritone male voice "come on"  he nods then they rush to go help the others prepare for the war that is coming.... "is that.... a mammoth!?!"  Lysithea whispers with a curious tone in her baritone male voice as she walks over to where Jon and Alliser stand "though I suppose it would make sense after all it has a Giant riding on it's back"  she says softly in her baritone male voice Jon looks at her and asks "how can you see down there!?!"  she replies softly in her baritone male voice "I've connected with a hawk before remember!? with my sister and I some things just stay with us it's kind of like the animals we share with still share so they can help us protect ourselves "  he smiles she pats his arm then walks away from him and heads over to where the archers are, picks up a bow then lights her arrow and waits for the command to fire "archers nock everyone else hold"  Alliser orders Grenn trips and drops a barrel off the edge of the Wall "I said nock and hold, you cunts! and it seems Snær is the only one that listened as for the rest of you does nock mean draw?"  Alliser shouts "no, Ser!"  the men around him chorus "does fuckin Hold mean fuckin drop?"  Alliser shouts "no, Ser!"  the men around him chorus "you all plan on dying here tonight?"  Alliser shouts "no, Ser!"  the men around him chorus "that's good to hear draw!"  Alliser shouts they hear a horn blow and Alliser and Jon look at the man who still stands next to their horn "no, down below!"  the man says they look down and see Wildlings rushing towards the gate and Alliser orders the archers to "loose"  and the archers send their arrows flying towards the Wildlings Lysithea hits every mark the others hit a few Slynt rushes over and shouts "they're attacking the Southern Gate!"  Alliser turns and asks "now?"  Slynt replies "now"  Alliser grits his teeth as he looks around then he says "I'm going down there Brother Slynt, you have the Wall"  Lysithea who has yet to stop shooting arrows at the Wildlings that were coming towards the gate says in her baritone male voice "oh HELL no! I am NOT taking orders from that cunt! sitting in a Council Meeting trying to act big is one thing for all it is is talk and no action but I doubt he even knows how to truly lead soldiers in a REAL war! I mean look at him he's probably pissed his pants at least five times by now!"  Slynt looks at her with narrowed eyes as the men around her chuckle "what would you suggest then Snær!?!"  Alliser asks with a growl in his tone "let Jon prove himself by letting him lead I'm pretty sure the men around me would rather follow his order than the ex "Commander" of the City Watch"  she replies in her baritone male voice Alliser looks around and sees many of the men around him nod their head in agreement with her/his words then he says "fine! Snow you have the Wall Slynt you'll be coming with me!"  a frightened Slynt follows a determined Alliser off the Wall Jon smiles at Lysithea who winks at him and he chuckles then gives his first order "archers, nock your arrows! draw! loose!"  and every man does as they're told "they won't summit before dawn"  Jon says as he looks down and sees a few Wildlings begin to climb the wall "how do you know that?"  Grenn asks "because I've made that climb"  Jon replies "I think they're in a bigger hurry than you were"  Tollett says Lysithea ends up being one of the many men that rappel over the edge of the Wall and shoots at the Wildlings trying to climb it with her bow and arrow she was chosen because many of the men claimed she was the best archer they have and she showed no fear as she was being held by a single rope while "standing" on the Wall....

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