Chapter 1

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Cullen's POV

Edward rolled his eyes as Alice began to talk about (complain) the fashion of Gotham and how it was behind ETC, it was only thanks to years of listening to her that he was able to tune her out when she got like this. Instead, he listened to the thoughts of those around them, he frowned slightly when he realized that they weren't as clear as they should have been, in fact the only ones he could hear clearly were his families but they were easy enough to ignore.

They're so behind on fashion... that...

Ignore the smell...ignore the smell...

Why are they dressed like that?...


I need to get some more cushions for the new house...



Lady Gotham...upset today, i hope...improves...birthday ball...

The Waynes...

Lady Gotham give me strength...

Oh...wonderful dress!...appointment...designer and ask her...make one for me...

...lovely couple...long...happy life together...

Edward rolled his eyes when he found more than a few minds referring to Gotham as Lady Gotham as well as calling it she/her, the people seem to believe that Gotham was alive in some way. It was all ridiculous in his mind, a city couldn't be alive in any shape or form it was simply impossible.

It seemed that Gotham was behind in more ways than just fashion.


Edward turned and looked at Carlisle, his eyebrow raised in a silent question as he wondered what Carlisle wanted.

"Come on, it's time to go," Carlisle said as he began to walk away.

They made their way through the crowd before coming to a stop near the baggage collection. A woman wearing a small top hat with lace dressed in a short Victorian style dress with brown boots and a jacket stood at the counter, she was tying away at something that looked like a computer.

"Excuse me, we would like to collect our bags," Carlisle said, placing their bag numbers on the desk.

The woman ignored them for a full minute before saying anything.

"Get in the queue," the woman said as she looked up from the computer.

"Sorry..." Carlisle said confused.

"Get in the queue." the woman repeated this time pointing behind them as she looked up at them.

Turning around they saw a queue waiting behind a line. Carlisle said a quick sorry before they moved to the back of the line, they watched as person after person waited to be called up to the desk, the men tipping their hats to the woman while the woman gave a slight bow of their heads before they handed over their baggage number, which the woman properly handed over to a man who seemed to appear out of thin air, the man then walked through the doors behind the woman before walking back out with the bags that belong to the person. Finally it was their turn they walked up to them and handed over their bag numbers. The woman raised an eyebrow at the amount of bags they had on them, she then turned and rang the bell on the desk next to her. The doors to the bag room opened and four men walked out each of them dressed in red.

"You called Miss Wick?" the tall one asked before his eyes drifted over to us.

Worlders?...been a while...worlders...visited Lady Gotham...brings them to...the man thought.

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