Chapter 28

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Unknown Location

Unknown Time

Edward POV

Edward barely looked up as the sound of the cell door opening echoed throughout the room. He didn't know how long he had been in the cell for, all he knew was that whenever the door opened pain would follow,


The Room fell silent as an old man with snow white stood up and started to walk down the stairs with a cane in his hand.

"Father" Johnathan greeted as the man stopped in front of him

The man reached and placed a wrinkled hand on Johnathan's cheek for a few seconds before he turned his attention back to Edward. Hatred shining in the man's eyes

"Rick! Bring me, my other sons! Everybody else is going to leave!" the man ordered.

Edward watched as Rick left the room through a side door while everyone else slowly left the room until it was only the guards, Johnathan and his father left the room, a few minutes later the door at the back opened and Rick walked into the room followed by a group of men.

"Is this the one we have been looking for?" one of them asked as they come to a stop by their father

"Yes." the Father replied. "He will be executed the night of the high moon."

"Why then? why not now." Another brother asked, his eyes shining with hate as he looked at Edward

"Because he has to suffer first."

"I want to go first." a man with short spiked hair said as he stepped forward,

"Of course Mike." The father said before he gestured over to Edward

Edward laughed as the man now named Mike walked towards him with a knife in his hand. A knife wouldn't do anything to him, his skin was harder than rock. The only thing that would happen would be the knife breaking or blunting as it made contact with his skin.

"That isn't going to do anything to me." he laughed as the knife was raised.

However his laughter soon stopped as a scream escaped his mouth as the knife cut into his rock-hard skin, the man dragged the knife down his torso before pulling the knife out of his body, Edward's scream grew louder as the knife was plunged into his eye before it was twisted around and around before being pulled out leaving a gaping hole were his eye had once been. Out of his other eye, Edward watched as the man stepped back allowing another man to step forward, the man looked at him for a few seconds before his eyes glowed and pain that was unlike anything shot through his body making him wither against the chains, until the pain stopped and his body went limp.

Muted whimpers of pain left his mouth, as the sounds of another stepping forward echoed throughout the room, suddenly a feeling of being burned as the smell of burning filled the air, looking he saw that the chains had become red hot and were burning his skin before suddenly stopping as the man stepped back and took the knife from the Mike, he then walked forward once more, he then took ahold of Edward's ear and sliced it off tossing it into a nearby fire.

Edward then felt the chains wrapped around him once more before he was dragged out of the room by an unseen force and down a series of steps before being placed (thrown) into a cell. The door slammed shut leaving him alone in a dark room.

The next time the door opened Edward found himself being dragged out of the room by the chains into another room that smelled of blood and death. Chains then tied him to a table and Edward could do nothing but watch as one of the men picked up a razor before he turned and faced him and dragged the razor over his head cutting into the skin in someplace until only bits of hair remained on his head.

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