Chapter 11

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Wayne's grand hotel

Edward POV

"...acting no better than a common streetwalker!"


"Don't you dare raise your voice to me, Isabella!" Edward yelled; "I am your husband, you will show me respect."

"Husband? Ha, don't make me laugh! You haven't had sex with me since our wedding and honeymoon. It's really funny how you wouldn't keep your hands off me then. You don't even do oral, no instead you give me a fucking vibrator and then act like you should be thanked for it! as for respecting you, I'll show you respect when you fuck me." Bella yelled back before adding "oh and two things, one don't call me Isabella, and two it's not you, I'm thinking about when using the vibrator!"

She then turned around and slammed their bedroom door. Edward snarled in anger before he turned and stormed down the stairs, his body shaking with rage as Bella's actions the night before entered his brain. How dare she humiliate him like that? He was disgusted to see her acting no better than a common street whore, all because he wouldn't have sex with her. Edward had told her many times in the past when she pressed the topic, that they didn't need to have sex seeing as they would never have children to carry on his line. Edward made his way out of the house before he ran down to the river, wanting nothing then to be away from his wife at the moment.

"Trouble in paradise Eddie?" the voice of Emmett asked.

"Leave me alone, Emmett," Edward growled out, not wanting to deal with Emmett and his stupid mouth.

Edward rolled his eyes at Emmett as he didn't listen and sat down next to him, the same as Jasper.

"I wish I could say that I'm surprised at Bella, but I'm not. In all honesty, I was expecting it to happen at some point."


"Well it's true, it was going to happen at some point. Now the question is what are you going to do now?"

Edward thought about what Emmett had just asked.

What was he going to do? Well, that was a simple enough question. Bella needed to be punished for her actions, as her husband it was his job to correct such unladylike behavior. But the real question was how he was going to punish her.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Well, you're in luck, as me and Jazzy know what you should do."


"Yup, get even with her,"

"Get even with her?"

"Yeah, get even. As in flirt with other women in front of Bella. Me and Jasper do it anytime our girls 'punish' us with their whole 'no sex' for what it is we've done."

Hmm...that might work. Edward knew he was good-looking and seeing as they were going to some party that Lady Gotham Medical was holding thanks to some man called Bruce Wayne, apparently, the man donated money to them which had allowed them to open a new children's ward after the last one was destroyed by some man called penguin, so there was no better time for him to do it.

"Thank you, now if you don't mind, I must get ready," Edward said before he ran back to the house.

Entering the house he could hear Bella complaining to Rose and Alice (well mostly Alice as Rose wasn't paying any attention at all to Bella, as she was still angry over getting a speeding ticket) as she got ready in Alice's room, not wanting to hear her whining anymore Edward tuned her out and made his way up to their room. Entering the room he was angered to see that Bella had once again trashed it, pushing his anger down Edward made his way over to the bathroom and quickly washed his body once done he quickly dried himself before he dressed in a Black suit before he styled his hair slightly.

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