Chapter 2

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Lady Gotham's academy for exceptional ladies

Bella POV

Bella sat at the back of the room with Rosalie and Alice, which was surprising as Bella thought they would have been with the seniors (or at least their version of it) but apparently for whatever reason the heads of the school decided that they would be placed in with the juniors. Rose had ranted about it for an hour before she stormed off to her and Emmett's room and stayed there until school started. Bella half-listened to the conversation that the other girls were having rolling her eyes at the usual girl talk of who was dating (or in this case courting) or who had the latest party held at a hotel.

Looking up she watched as one of the girls walked right over to them. Bella mentally scoffed at the outfit the girl was wearing, Alice may annoy her with her whole keeping up with fashion but she was right in the fact that Gotham really needs to catch up with fashion. The girl was wearing a white blouse with a green vest over the top of it, brown trousers that were tucked into black boots, her hair was done up in a bun that was styled a bit like a flower (Bella noted that there wasn't a single hair out of place) completing the look was a small hat that was slightly on the side.

"Hi! I'm Lee, you and your family are new to Gotham right? Are..." the girl now named Lee started to say only to be cut off by Rose.

"Yes and no none of the boys are interested in dating you or any of your friends, so don't even bother asking."

"Wow, you're a bit of a rude one aren't you. I was going to ask if..."

"No, she's not being rude. She was just telling you the truth, now why don't you go back to your friends and give them the message, it will save a lot of broken hearts." Bella said, hoping that the girl would leave them alone.

Lee stared at Rose before she turned around and walked over to her friends. Bella could hear her telling the other girls that they were really rude and that she didn't think it was good to invite them to the tea party/outing that they were going to have on the weekend. The room fell silent as the doors opened and a woman with silver hair walked in wearing a red dress with a brown corset and brown boots.

"Good morning Mrs Clocks." the girls greeted.

"Good morning girls." the woman now named Mrs Clocks said.

Mrs Clocks stood in front of the girls before she continued speaking.

"So as you may have guessed, we have some new students. Miss Rosalie Hale, Miss Alice Borden and Miss Isabella Swan."

The class turned and greeted them.


"Right, now on with today's lesson! Girls line up...good now can any of you girls tell the new girls what we have been learning...Miss Gem."

Bella watched as Lee walked over to Mrs Clocks before she turned around so that she was facing them.

"We've been learning ball execute, last week we learned the importance of knowing who would be attending the ball and what type of work they do as well as their partner in order to avoid insulting them accidentally." she said before she returned to her seat next to her friends.

"Very good Miss Gem, now today's lesson is rather simple..."

Bella half-listened as Mrs Clocks talked about dancing and how it was important to wear the right shoes if you were looking to dance the night away with your partner or your lover for the night. After a while, Mrs Clocks announced that it was time to practice what they had learned. Bella watched as the girls lined up in a perfectly straight line.

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