Chapter 26

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Wayne Enterprise

Carlisle and Bruce POV

Carlisle walked in through the doors of Wayne Enterprise, his face twisted slightly upon seeing the gothic decor that decorated the buildings inside. Turning around he quickly walked (forcing a few people out of his way) over to the desk where a woman was sitting reading some gossip magazine as she ate some type of pasta dish.

"Good Afternoon. I need to speak to Bruce." Carlisle announced in a firm tone.

"Name." the woman replied looking up at him with a bored expression on her face.

"Doctor Carlisle Cullen."

Carlisle watched as the woman frowned slightly before she turned away from him and typed his name into the computer in front of her, she then turned back around and looked at him, Carlisle frowned when he saw a glint in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't see your name at all, did you make an appointment?" she asked

"No I don't have an appointment," he replied anger lacing his tone slightly.

The woman smiled slightly at his words

"If you need to see Mr Wayne, then you're going to have to book..."

"NO! I must see him right now, it's important!" he interrupted, leaning forward slightly.

The woman simply looked at him before she pointed over to the couches by the lifts.

"*sigh* If you'd like to take a seat, I will inform Mr Wayne that you want to speak to him," she said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Very well! but tell Bruce to come quickly as it's a matter of great importance"

"Mr Wayne will see you when he's free, as I said Mr Wayne is very busy right now,"

Carlisle said nothing as he turned around and walked over to couches and sat down, looking around briefly he reached out and picked up a nearby newspaper and opened it deciding to read while he waited for Bruce to come and see him.

3 hours later

3 hours! He had been kept waiting! Carlise raged inside at the man for keeping him waiting for so long, standing up from the couch Carlisle made his way over to the desk and dropped the paper onto the desk making the woman look up from whatever she was doing on her computer.

"Why hasn't Bruce come to see me yet?" he asked, anger lacing his tone.

"As I said earlier Mr Wayne is busy right now, he will see you when he's free. You can either retake your seat and wait for you to book an appointment to see him tomorrow at 3 pm alright." the woman replied

"That isn't good enough! I need to speak to the man now!"

"I'm sorry..."

Carlisle slammed his hand down on the desk taking satisfaction as the woman jumped back, glaring at the woman he opened his mouth to speak when a man's voice sounded from behind him, turning around he saw that it was Bruce who had spoken.

"Is there a problem, Mrs Apple," Bruce asked as he looked at the woman behind the desk

"No Mr Wayne. Mr Cullen..."

"It's DOCTOR Cullen." Carlisle corrected getting tired of people disrespecting him by not using his proper title.

"Actually it is Mr Cullen. You lost your Doctor position, remember." the woman said before she looked back to Bruce and continued to speak (Carlisle felt his anger grow as he revealed it was a far more respectful tone than the one she used for him) "Anyway as I was saying Mr Cullen here wanted to speak to you. I told him you were busy and you would see him once you were free, I also gave him the option of booking an appointment but he insisted he wait for you."

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