Chapter 27

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Rose POV

Rose walked through the streets, her mind dancing for joy at the thought of becoming human once more. The man she had met in the tavern had told her everything that would need to happen in order for her to become human once more.

The first step, sacrificing one's lover.

Something that in truth would be rather easy.

Rose smiled when she saw that Emmett had returned from dropping her bags off at the manor ready for them to pick when they left to go on their trip, however, her smile fell from her face when she saw he was chatting to some woman. Walking up to them Rose pushed herself closer to Emmett making it clear to the woman that Emmett was her man, Rose watched with a smirk as the woman walked away from them holding a basket of flowers, the woman then stopped by another couple and started to talk to them.

Turning her head she looked at Emmett who looked annoyed at what she had done

"Emmett, I want to go hunting before we leave for our trip," she said as she leaned closer to him, giving him the eyes he couldn't say no to

"Sure. Let's go." Emmett replied before he opened the car door and slipped inside.

Rose clenched her hands for a few seconds at Emmett's ungentlemanly behavior, she then walked around to the other side of the car and climbed into it

Rose positioned herself behind Emmett as they walked, if her heart could beat she knew it would have been beating wildly in anticipation of what she was about to do.

Rose counted to three in her head before she pounced on Emmett's back. She let out a growl before she started to dig her nails in, Emmett let out a snarl of pain before he started to try and pull her off him, tearing at her clothing as he fought to get a hold of her. Rose let out a scream as Emmett started to grab at her tearing some of her hair out of her head (while enraged at the action Rose didn't let it distract her from her task, as the man had said any injuries she got from killing Emmett would be held when she became human once more) before tossing her to the ground. Rose leapt to her feet and snarled before charging at Emmett who was prepared for her this time, easily catching her mid-jump before punching her, knocking her to the ground. Rose quickly moved out of the way of Emmett's next attack and climbed to her feet once more.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Rose?" Emmett asked as they started to circle each other.

"Becoming human again. but first I need to sacrifice you." Rose replied.

Emmett let out a dark laugh before saying.

"That's never going to happen sweetheart. The only one dying is you, pity though you were a good lay. Still, I can always find a new woman on MY trip."

"What woman would want you? you're dumb, idiotic, play games too much, do nothing all day hell and you don't even have a signal penny to your name and no woman will go for a man without money...AHHH!"

Rose screamed as Emmett slapped her, growling Rose turned her head back to Emmett and quickly slapped him in return making sure to dig her nails in his face as she slapped him.

"I think a street walker would be a pretty good choice."

"A WHORE! You think a whore would make a good wife! you're dumber than I first thought."

"Tell me why a whore is a bad choice for a wife, I'm already married to one. At least with an actual whore I can make money from her when she sleeps with other men."

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