Chapter 4

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Lady Gotham Academy for Gentlemen

Headmaster Rin

Headmaster Rin walked across the courtyard of his school, greeting a group of boys who were sitting on some blankets under the shade of a tree with books and some leftover food from the breakfast that the school put on for the students that came from the poor parts of Gotham (The cooks would often give out any leftover food, to any of the students that asked for some).

"Good morning boys."

"Good morning Headmaster Rin." the boys greeted in return, as they looked up from their books.

"What are you boys up to? Lessons started 30 minutes ago," he asked.

"We're studying history Sir." a blonde-haired boy replied.

Studying History...History is the first lesson today. So why are they studying history outside?

"Why are you out here, instead of in class?"

When the boys didn't answer the question, Rin started to worry as he watched them look at each other.

"It's my fault Sir." a quiet voice replied.

Rin turned and looked at a boy with brown hair.

"Explain," Rin said.

"It's not his fault Sir, the History teacher Mr Flickman had been bullying him for a lack of a better word. He often calls him stupid and thick, it's got to the point where Sam won't go in the class. We are sick of it, so we decided that today we won't be attending his classes" a boy with ginger hair said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Rin turned and looked at Sam.


"It's true Sir,"

"Why didn't you come to me? My doors always open to students who want to come and talk to me about anything bothering them."

"I...I was embarrassed sir"

"I understand but Sam please come and speak to me, if anything like this happens again."

"Yes sir."

Smiling, Rin shrugged off his Teacher's Robe and placed it on a tree branch, before taking a seat on the blanket with the rest of the boys. Reaching forward he picked up one of the books before he looked over to the boys who were all looking at him.

"So where did you get to in your lesson?"

"Gotham's creation Sir." one of the boys replied.

"Thank you. Now let's begin. During the early years of..."

1 hour later

Rin smiled as he said bye to the boys who were talking excitedly to each other as they made their way to the next class. The History lessons had transformed into a fencing lesson when they had learned that Rin had once been a champion at Fencing before an injury had led to him retiring from fencing and taking up teaching instead. Turning around the corner. He made his way down the path, greeting some of the boys as they made their way to their classes.

He paused as he walked around a corner that led to a quiet area of the school. In the middle of the area surrounded by flowers along with a pond, there is a statue of Lady Gotham standing tall and proud as she had been on the day she had been installed after they turned the original building into a school. She was wearing a long dress with a hood that covered her face. one of her hands is up by her chest while the other hand is down by her side gripping the skirt of her dress. Rin walked closer to the Statue hoping that he had been wrong and that it had been a trick of the light, only to be disappointed when he saw that he had been correct the first time around.

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