Chapter 16

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Aro looked at the letter he had just been handed by one of the servants, reaching out with his left arm he picked up his letter knife and opened the letter.


As you know, mine and my family's lifestyle allows us to live among humans peacefully...

Aro rolled his eyes slightly at how Carlisle opened his letter, with the same opening he had used for the past hundred years. It was funny in a way, how the Cullens thought they were the only vampires who lived among the humans. Aro wondered how they would react to the fact that a few human blood drinking vampires had been lived happily among humans (for hundreds of years before the Cullens started doing it), Aro personally knew a (human drinking) vampire who had lived among humans since her change in 1040, but the fact was that most vampires simple chose not to live among humans as they dont want to risk making friends knowing that they would have to move soon and 'lose' contact with their friends in order to keep their true nature hidden.

I recently moved to a new city, Gotham. To simply put it Gotham has been nothing at all like we expected, the people here seem to believe that the city is alive.


Out of all the places they could have chosen, those fools had chosen to make Gotham their new home.

Aro hoped that they hadn't done anything to offend any of the supernatural creatures that lived there or in any of the stranding cities. He had no wish for smoothing ruffled feathers in order to avoid a war because the Cullens had been foolish and stupid enough to offend the other supernatural creatures.

As for the place being nothing as they expected.

Well, what had they been seriously expecting?

The city had been abandoned, written off as a dark secret that should never be spoken about until it was simply forgotten to time. Due to this the forgotten city had simply developed on its own, until it was a mixture of the past and future rolled into one. (Aro would privately admit that he found the place fascinating...but at the same time he was slightly scared of the City and the darkness that lurked within it).

This brings me to the reason why I have contacted you.

The city has another vampire clan living within its borders.

They drink the blood of the criminals they capture, before disposing of the body, however these vampires...well these vampires have no respect for our laws, they have exposed themselves to the people of the city by masquerading as 'protectors'. They have exposed themselves to the humans, I have seen (and have attracted) several articles talking about them and how they 'saved' someone.

When me and my family appeared, these vampires and offered a hand of friendship and an offer to show them that they didn't need to drink the blood of humans to survive and that there is a better alternative one that would allow them to live among humans peacefully. They reacted unkindly and threatened me and my family with great harm. Recently one of them savagely attacked my son Edward, who had done nothing wrong.

Aro scoffed at the obvious lies, did Carlisie think him so foolish that he would believe such lies.

Aro knew from the few other vampires who had visited the Volturi, that the Cullens were not well-liked by the other vampires they had bumped into on their travels. In all honesty, Aro was only partly surprised that the Cullens had gone this long without being ripped apart by an angry coven seeing as they seemed to believe they had the right to try and boss the other clan around on their own territory.

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