Chapter 2

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As the 26th arrives, Maddie and Stef are dressed and brushed their teeth and hair before packing their toothbrushes and toothpastes away in a plastic bag then into Maddie's suitcase it goes in. After having a quick breakfast, Maddie and Stef walks out of their room with their suitcases rolling behind them and coats and boots on. Holding Stef's hand, Maddie allows Stef to knock on James's and Johanna's door.

In the SUV, Johanna drove over the day before, they are all inside at the drop off parking lot and once parked Johanna and James climbs out and locks the SUV when everyone and the suitcases are out. Walking into the airport, James gives Maddie the two tickets and labels the suitcases without any issues. Catching the weird looks of other people, Johanna receives a shy hug from Stef and Maddie.

After hugging James in thanks and goodbye, Maddie and Stef go onto their early morning flight after checking in their suitcases and themselves in, before finding their seats on the plane.


At the LAX airport, Maddie passes Stef her suitcase and then grabs her own before finding a taxi almost immediately. It took a good half hour to find one. Arriving to the address on the back of her brother's postcard, Maddie and Stef climbs out of the back of the taxi and grabs their luggage out of the trunk. Paying the driver, they stand back as the driver backs out of the driveway's stall. Heading into the building, Maddie and Stef holds hands nervously before spotting the admin's office. Knocking on the door, the landlord of the apartment building opens the door.

"Hello. Uhm, my brother Evan Buckley lives in this building?" Maddie starts shyly. As the landlord looks them over, he asks for I.D., which Maddie hands over her driver's licence. Reviewing her photo and name, the man nods with a smile.

"I saw him head out for work yesterday evening and will be back this afternoon." The landlord speaks up passing Maddie her I.D., before grabbing the keys to the apartments, "What is your daughter's name?"

"Oh, sorry, I go by Maddie. This is my daughter, Stef." Maddie introduces.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. Let's head on up."

Once on the second floor, the landlord unlocks the door and allows Stef and Maddie inside the apartment.

"I hope you both will like L.A. Merry Christmas." The landlord smiles at them.

"Merry Christmas." Stef returns quietly.

"Thank you, and Merry Christmas." Maddie smiles back nervously and shyly. Once he is gone, Maddie locks the door after closing it. Looking around after dropping off their suitcases in the living room, out of the way. Maddie and Stef remove their coats and boots at the front door.

Releasing the stress and fear, Stef and Maddie shyly help themselves to water and juice that is in the fridge.

"So, is this Uncle Evan's apartment?" Stef wonders softly.

"I think so, it's too clean though." Maddie jokes looking around more, "Would you like a piece of toast?"

"Yes please, mommy." Stef accepts.


As Maddie takes a shower, Stef is sitting on the couch watching an animated movie with the volume down low. Hearing a key in the lock for the front door, Stef immediately stands up and runs into the washroom where Maddie is.

Hearing a familiar whimper in the room, over the sound of the shower, Maddie immediately turns off the shower, and steps out onto the mat before grabbing the towel. After letting Maddie wrap the towel around herself, Stef dives in for a reassuring hug.

"Wow." Both jumping at the sound of a young man's voice, Maddie lifts her head to see Evan Buckley standing in the doorway in shock, anger and surprise.

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