Chapter 10

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As the family of three settle in and get used to living together in safety yet on edge, Maddie, Buck and Stef pulls up to the address that they were given for Dan's birthday party. Noticing it's a small house, Maddie and Buck both smile at how cozy it looks. Seeing the balloons blowing in the cool breeze, Buck parks Maddie's SUV since it's Maddie's surprise for him. Plus, Buck is horrible with directions.

Climbing out together, Maddie unbuckles Stef while Buck grabs the present from Stef. This is Stef's first birthday party, so she is scared but thrilled to have her mom and Buck present with her. Walking up the driveway together, Stef immediately grabs Maddie's hand but to everyone's surprise, she also grabs Buck's free hand. Arriving to the front door with Stef in the middle, Maddie knocks on the door.

Hearing the loud laughter, Stef flinches with Maddie, but Buck steps a little further ahead of them. Just as the door opens, it's Maddie's co-worker from dispatch, Josh.

"Maddie?" Josh gasps in surprise.

"Josh?" Maddie's eyes widen in shock.

"Are you here for my nephew's birthday?"

"Yes, we are." Maddie confirms softly, "Dan, right?"

"Yeah, Dan is five today." Josh smiles, "Hi, Stef. Do you remember me from your mom's work?"

"Sort of." Stef whispers shyly, "Are you the one that helped mommy and I during the earthquake?"

"Yep. The one and only."

"Then I remember you." Stef smiles nervously.

"Good memory." Josh compliments, "Please come in." Stepping aside, Josh opens the door further to see their friends they made in the small amount of time, Maddie and Stef lived in L.A. Stepping into the patio, Maddie immediately takes off her boots and helps Stef out of her's. Unzipping their coats while Buck removes his boots and coat, he passes Stef their gift for Dan.

"Stef, you made it!" Dan greets in excitement while rushing over with Harry and Denny.

"Happy birthday." Stef smiles before passing Dan their wrapped gift.

"Your arrival is the greatest gift, Stef." Dan smiles back before accepting the gift and sets it with the others.

"I'm glad to be here. Hey guys, where is Christopher and May?" Stef looks around confused.

"They are in the kitchen. You were the last one to arrive." Harry shrugs.

"And, the best one yet." Denny grins, "Hi Maddie, hi Buck." Denny greets the two arrivals with Josh.

As the birthday party goes full circle, Dan is sitting in the middle of the circle after everyone finished eating their pizzas and cake – it's time for the presents. Sitting on Maddie's lap since Buck is in the last seat, Stef is on the armchair with Maddie. Knowing that Stef is exhausted from school, the weird work schedules of Maddie's and Buck's, and of course the fear of Doug; no one could blame her or Maddie. It's terrifying and overwhelming.

By the time Dan gets to Stef's gift, he purposely left Stef's for last. After reading the card Stef made with both her mom's and Buck's help, they smile as Dan and Josh read it aloud.

"Dear Dan, today is a very special day. It's your fifth birthday! We are very honoured to have the chance to celebrate it with you. You are my first friend outside of my circle of friends. The first friend to defend me in class against our teacher and classmates. Even though May, Harry, Denny and Christopher are my best friends that connection made with them was through my uncle and mom. You are my first friend I made by myself. I may only be four still, but I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being you, for being different and for being here. Happy Birthday! From, Stef Buckley-Kendall."

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