Chapter 8

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Arriving to the dispatch centre, Maddie and Stef climbs into Buck's jeep before heading to the apartment viewing, they have scheduled for that afternoon. After the pickup, Buck drives through the neighbourhood the apartment is located at, before parking in the parking lot of the apartment building. Looking at the time, they have five minutes left to head in.

The apartment has three bedrooms and has a reasonable price for per month. While Buck unbuckles Stef from her seat, Maddie grabs her purse before climbing out of the jeep. In no time, Buck, Stef and Maddie head into the building and inform the front desk that they are there for the open house.

Getting shown the way through the gate and cutting across the walkway and garden, they finally arrive to their viewing with three minutes to spare. Walking inside, the owner stands there before allowing the previous viewers to leave early. Pulling out their application that Buck printed off and Maddie filled out, Maddie passes it over.

"This is my brother Evan, my daughter Stef, and my name is Maddie." Maddie introduces them.

"Would Stef like to look around, while I ask you and Evan a few questions?" The man asks.

Nodding at Stef to go look around, Maddie smiles as Stef shyly releases her hand and starts to walk through the apartment.

"May I ask what these questions entail?" Buck wonders.

"It's just clarifying the application really." The man replies softly so Stef can't really hear them, "If you three want to move in, I will need birthdays and that sort of thing."

"Okay, my birthday is December 13th, 1991. Stef's birthday is August 11th, 2014." Maddie answers.

"My birthday is March 20th, 1998." Buck smiles kindly.

As they answer the landlord's questions, he is smiling and laughing when Buck cracks jokes or teases Maddie, which she gets carefree and joins in. Happy to hear in the end, that Buck has the money and Maddie just started a job as a dispatcher, he approves the small family for the rental, and they sign the paperwork while Stef sits down on the stairs to the three bedrooms.

"Here are the keys, and feel free to move in this weekend." The landlord smiles happily.

"Thank you, Dave for the opportunity and giving us a place to live." Maddie smiles back after signing her portion.

"I'm just glad it's all three of you and are able to afford it." Dave speaks honestly, "You may also move in today if you'd wish to."

"Thanks again, for getting to know us as well."

"I enjoyed it, Maddie. I do have some treats left over from the viewing appointments. May I offer some to Stef?"

"Sure. I'm sure she would love it." Maddie agrees before calling Stef over to pick something out. As Stef gets to her feet, she immediately grabs hold of Maddie's hand. Seeing the small container of candy, Dave opens it and holds it low enough for Stef to see, "Pick one out, honey."

Watching Stef shyly pull out a purple sucker, Stef smiles.

"Thank you, sir." Stef thanks softly.

"It's no problem, kiddo. Enjoy it, okay?" Dave smiles down at her.

"Okay." Stef agrees before showing it to Maddie happily.

"Purple is one of your favourite colours, right Stef?" Maddie chuckles.

"Yes!" Stef giggles before holding up her arms and Maddie immediately lifts her up and sets her against her hip.

On the final signature, Buck smiles and slides the contract over along with pulling out the cash for rent, which Dave counts with them and signs off on it as paid. Passing over the two keys while keeping the universal one, Maddie accepts her's and Buck accepts his.

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