Coffee worker x Flower shop worker AU

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Ash was just your normal college student. Always stacked with studies, homework, and also had to learn how to live...

He was working in a coffee shop as a waiter, and luckily, he was earning some money.

But while most people would call it mundane or boring, there was one thing that brightened up Ash's day, everyday...

There was a Flower Shop across the street, and there worked a fine young man with burgundy red hair, tan skin, and serene, ethereal turquoise eyes...

Ash never knew what the worker's name was, but just catching glimpses of him were enough to make him smile.

And this day, it was like every ordinary day for him.

He had just finished his shift, waving goodbye to his boss as he walked home, until he accidentally bumped against someone!


Ash groaned as both he and the person he bumped into fell onto the ground, and as Ash got a closer look at the person, it was the same boy who he'd always glimpse at by the flower shop!

"A-Ah... Sorry..." Ash apologized, his face red in embarrassment, helping the boy up along with his things.

"No, it's my fault, I'm sorry." The boy chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm such a klutz." He muttered.

Ash was just staring at the boy, blushing until the boy asked him a question:

"So... What's your name?" The boy asked rather sheepishly.

"I'm Al, Al Molybdenum. But you can just call me Koko!" Koko said in enthusiasm with a bright smile on his face.

Ash mentally took note of Koko's name, nodding.

"Really? That cool. I'm Ash, Ash Ketchum." He replied, as the pair decide to walk home within the snowy city, chatting happily with one another.

As they near towards Ash's  college dormitory, Koko stopped.

"So, this is where you study?" Koko asked curiously, looking at Ash.

"Mhm. Why?" Ash asked, cocking his head to the side in curiosity.

"Well, I'm going to college soon, and I think this is the college my parents transferred me to." Koko chuckled, really noticing how it must've been like, to study in such a good and prestigious college.

Ash nodded, soon getting inside the dormitory, sayong his farewells for the night to Koko (Of course not without exchanging numbers 😏).

And as Ash went deeper in the dormitory, Koko was just left staring at the empty hallway. He also would catch a few glimpses of Ash whenever he was on his shift...

"Whatever... Let's just head home, or mom would be mad at me..." Koko chuckled, soon heading back to his home which was still a bit far by a few blocks, but he can do it, nonetheless.

And that will only be the beginning about these two people, two opposites that come across another's path into their life...

And here's the end of my corny Oneshot 💀

-Both Koko and Ash are in their 1st year at college (they're juniors)
-Ash is 18, while Koko's 19. (They are born in the same year, it's just that Ash hasn't reached his 19th Bday yet)
-And when the other thinks the other isn't looking (applying to both Ash and Koko), they would cast a few glimpses on one another, with Koko already gaining a secret crush on Ash (though not very brave to actually go up and talk to him 💀)
- Koko knows alot ab flowers and plants in general here (I mean... It fits his character LOL)

And that's all, cyu soon!!!

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