Pearl Boy AU

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Koko and Ash had been roommates for a few months now... And as time passes, the pair have grown close.

It wasn't always like this, though.

When they have just met each other, Koko was pretty much uncomfortable in Ash's mere presence, since he was pretty much closeted and often fears about getting close to someone... To only get betrayed and used.

Ash on the other hand, wanted to break Koko's closeted and shy shell to make him more outgoing, something that really didn't work...

Until one particular day.

Koko was just on some errands he put himself in, until he was cornered in an alleyway by some muggers.

"Heh, looks like we found a new target." The first mugger said, just kicking Koko hard in the stomach, making him drop his belongings.


"S-Stop please... Here." Koko said weakly, handing them some money.

"Take this, just don't hurt me." He said, trying to put a brave face on.

"Stupid boy! You think we want money?" One mugger said, just slapping Koko's face.

"You look like a nice boy to have "fun" with... We want you and your body." The other one added.

Oh no. Koko's worst nightmare was happening... He didn't want to be a slave or some whore unlike the former people who had suffered from the same condition as him...

And just as the muggers were about to have their way with him...

Koko suddenly heard the muggers scream and groan in pain, as he slowly opened his eyes...

"Stop it, you perverts! Don't touch him!!" Someone yelled, and as Koko got a good look at who this was...

It was his roommate!


Noticing Koko had now recognized him, Ash turned to look at him and give him a smile.

"It's me, don't worry." Ash said reassuringly, as he beat the muggers up, leaving them with a black eye, bruises, bloody noses, and many more...

Koko gulped as he saw how good of a fighter his roommate was... This might be the first time he might be jealous of him.

Once Ash was done with his business, he walks toward Koko.

"Hey... Do you have your phone with you?" Ash asked kind of sheepishly, scratching his head in slight hesitation about what he's going to do.

"Yeah... Why?" Koko asked, handing his phone over to Ash.

"Thanks." Ash said with a smile, and soon making the muggers do embarrassing and lewd poses and taking pictures of it... All on his roommate's phone.

Koko couldn't help but let out a few embarrassed looks as he saw the poses Ash made the muggers do, but he couldn't help but let out a few snickers on some of the embarrassing poses Ash also made them do.

Once Ash was finished, he gave the muggers a fairly scary warning as they scram.

"Here." Ash said, handing Koko back his phone, letting look at the embarrassing and funny photos Ash took of the muggers.

Koko couldn't help but chuckle. This really was the first time Ash was able to put a smile on his face.

"But... Why take pictures of them on my phone?" Koko asked, confused about why they were taken on his phone.

"So that next time, if you bump into them again, you can blackmail them using those!" Ash said proudly. Maybe that tactic's been handy to him.

"Oh, really?" Koko chuckled.

Ash just nodded, putting on a proud, smug face.

"Come on, let's get back to our dorm." Ash said, wrapping his arm around Koko's shoulder, as both of them walk back to the dormitories.

As they get back, Ash takes out the first aid kit to help with Koko's slap mark on his cheek that left a bruise.

"Here, is this alright?" Ash asked, placing a gauze gently on Koko's cheek.

"Yeah... It's alright." Koko replied, smiling softly.

"You know, with that gauze, you remind me of an anime character I know!" Ash said, pulling out his phone to show him the anime character he was talking about.

The boy was younger than them, but he had choppy black hair, topaz eyes, a school uniform, and a gauze on his cheek, as his arms were wrapped in bandages...

Koko could really see himself in the character from their looks alone... He always wore long sleeved clothes to hide the bandages that conceal some scars and bruises that he got from Zed, his uncle.

Ash noticed Koko's reaction, putting his phone away, snapping Koko back to reality.

"Hey, are you okay? Looking at that boy seemed to make you zone out a bit. Is something wrong?" Ash asked, studying Koko's expressions attentively and closely.

"I-... Oh, nothing." Koko said, just standing up, trying to walk away, until Ash grabbed his wrist, preventing him to leave.

"You're lying." Ash said. His voice was still gentle, but it was more firm and stern.

Koko then just decided to give up and sit back down...

And he looked at Ash, sighing as he took off his hoodie, revealing a white shirt underneath, and as he took it off, Ash's gaze were on... The bandages around Koko's arms.

"Bandages...? Hey, are things really okay between you and your uncle?" Ash asked, genuinely worried for Koko's well being.

And at that point, Koko just bawled his eyes out, just crying in Ash's arms.

"It's not... He... he beats me up... And he... Would sometimes leave a bruise or two if he snaps..." Koko ranted on, whilst crying.

Ash was shocked. He didn't know his roommate suffered so much, and maybe him trying to push him suddenly out of his comfort zone added on the pressure...

"Hey, hey, it's okay now... I'm here." Ash reassured, running his fingers on Koko's hair.

And for the first time in Koko's life, he felt like he can finally trust someone, and it was one that can be trusted...

"Thank you... Ash."

And that's the end of another corny/cringy script/oneshot!!

- Koko trusted Ash so much afterwards he often makes Ash accompany him on his errands, which make Ash try to teach Koko self defense.
- I love how this somewhat had angst
- and yas I referenced Hanako from TBHK (hehehe 😄)

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