Maleficent AU Oneshot

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It had only been a week since that battle with the human kingdom and the Moors, and the forest dwellers were recovering well...

But there was soon going to be someone who disrupts the resting, peaceful forest of the Moors...

Ash had taken orders from the king to murder who the king had thought was the leader of the forest, and he needed to bring his corpse to him as evidence...

So that Ash can ascend to become the ruler of the Kingdom.

Ash accepted this with a heavy heart, because the person he was sent to murder...

Was his best friend who he hadn't seen in what felt like ages.


As Ash neared towards the forest, he took off anything that contained silver, iron, or any metal in general, before calling out for his friend.

"Koko!! Koko, I need to talk to you!!" Ash called out. It had been years since that name rolled off his tongue, but it felt refreshing.

As he called out, nothing happened.

But as Ash was about to turn back and leave, he felt a gust of wind behind him and a loud thud on the ground.

It was Koko...

"So, how is life with the humans?" He asked with slight coldness. He had a disdain for humans, but Ash was the only exception he found among their wretched kind.

But Ash couldn't chitchat with him. Not now.

"Koko, the king... He plans to kill you." He said, breaking the news to his friend. "King Zed will stop at nothing, and he wants your head..." He adds with concern.

The fairy just remained silent. It had been years since they last saw each other, and if there was one thing Koko learned from Ash, it would be that humans...

Can change with the course of time. Good or bad.

"Please, you have to trust me." Ash pleaded.

Koko thought about his friend's words for a good while, until he finally sighed when he came to a conclusion.

"Fine." He said, pulling the soldier closer to him using his big, tremendous wings that had never failed nor faltered him once.

As the two walk deeper into the forest, they start to catch up with the events in their lives, what stayed the same, and what changed.

Time flew by as they sat on a riverbank, just talking with each other, and enjoying each other's company in general.

And Koko forgave Ash about his dreams becoming a knight, and the two just sat by, Koko resting his head on Ash's shoulder.

Soon enough, Koko felt a bit sleepy, as Ash offered him a vile which he told him contained water, with the fairy contently drinking it.

But soon, he felt even more sleepy.

And after a few moments, he was deeply asleep.

Ash turned to his asleep friend, before letting him fully lie down on the earth and mossy ground.

"Koko... I'm sorry." Ash whispered, before unsheathing a dagger he had hidden, staring at the vulnerable Koko right in front of him, as he raised it, ready to strike...

... But he couldn't bring himself to plunge the dagger down.

After a few seconds of holding the dagger out, he threw it away, his eyes filled with tears as he knew this would be painful...

"No no no no... No I can't do this..." Ash cried as some of his tears landed on the ground as he wept in what he was about to do.

Then, Ash noticed Koko's wings. He knew he had to decieve the king to protect Koko, but he also knew the pride Koko took in his wings... It'd break his heart if they were gone.

But Ash knew that if he couldn't bring 'evidence' of his death, things wouldn't be good for both of them...

"Koko... I'm so sorry... I know you may not forgive me... But I did this to protect you." Ash whispered in Koko's ear before giving him one last kiss on the cheek, before taking out iron shackles.

And he looked away as in one powerful slice, the fairy's wings were cut off.

Ash then wrapped the wings in his black cloak with care, gently placing them on a crate as he walked away from the forest, his heart heavy with guilt.

As he reaches the castle, he was met with the bedridden king, Zed.

"Did you kill that Moor?" He asked hoarsely, on mere seconds before death.

Ash nodded silently as he bowed to him shakily, showing the wings that he had cutten off the 'dead' fairy.

"These are their wings, and I brought them here as a... Trophy." Ash said, but his tone carried resentment deep within. He would never truthfully say it's a trophy of any sick sport...

But he had to claim that it was, for Koko's sake.

"Very well then, Ash Ketchum, you will become my successor..." Zed rasped before he took his last breath, dying on the spot.

Ash never shed a tear at the king's death, and he closed the door of his new master bedroom as he slumped against the matress, before curling into a ball and weeping loudly.

The servants assumed that he was weeping for the king, but Ash was weeping at the betrayal he made towards Koko, a person who he swore to himself that he would never ever betray for a crown.

But this was the only way he could even keep him safe.

And then, some servants entered the room, encasing the large wings of his friend in a glass case, right on display for Ash to see...

That sent him breaking down the minute the servants left, as he clung onto the glass, his betrayal reminded with those chopped off wings.


Right in the forest, Koko had just woken up, his peaceful dream being interrupted as he felt a burning pain in his back.

He gasped in choppy groans as he touched his back, feeling something missing from his body as he looked back...

To only see the burned stumps of where his former wings once were.

At the realization of what happened, he screamed in pain and agony, tears of pain and anger flowing down his cheeks as he clutched onto those stumps.

His wings were his greatest source of pride, and now they were gone.

His cries echoed all over the forest that the forest creatures heard his cries and went over to the riverbank to comfort the poor fairy.

"I can't believe Ash did this..." Koko muttered as he just cried, mourning the loss of his greatest source of pride as he swore vengeance against Ash in the future.

"Humans... Are wretched and cruel."

And that's all!!
- Yes, unlike the og Maleficent movie, Ash only did this to save Koko, like the true caring gentleman he is 🥺
- And here, redemption shall lie around the corner hehehe
- Actually, in the next Oneshot, I planned to make it after the movie's climax, an alternative where Ash gives up his crown and now lives in a cottage w/ his kids (my OCS ✨), and tries to mend his relationship with Koko ☺️

Fun fact: My cousin who I shared this with commented that when Koko swore revenge on Ash, she said that he was in his 'edgy Lana Del Rey arc' 😭

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