Ballerina AU Oneshot

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It had been a few months ever since Koko got diagnosed with a condition that weakened his heart, making him completely bedridden, leaving his parents Chrome and Phossa, and his cousin, Chloe to take care of him.

"You sure you're okay with us leaving you alone this night with only Chloe to look after you?" His worried mother, Phossa asked. She and Chrom, her husband, were going to attend an important meeting consisting the two of them, leaving only Chloe to look after Koko.

"Yes mom. I'm fine." Koko answered with a chuckle and soft smile, before coughing a bit, as he closes his eyes and falls asleep as his mother leaves the room.

As she heads downstairs, she notices Chloe watch some television and approaches her.

"Please check up on Koko every once in a while this night, okay?" She said, with Chloe giving a silent nod as she and her husband leave the house...


An hour has passed, and Chloe was slowly becoming a bit tired, until she suddenly heard something thumping upstairs...

Was it Koko?

"Koko? What are you doing?" She called out, but no sound was made, only the thumping sounds still present.

Chloe, knowing something wasn't right, cautiously went up the stairs, and peeped open at her cousin's bedroom door, only to open it wide in surprise as the sight in front of her almost nearly made her jump with joy...

Koko was performing ballet moves all around the room. Ballet was something he secretly liked, and he also used to ballet before he was bedridden, and now, he was doing what he loved once more...

Chloe was still from shock, until she, out of joy, took out her phone and took pictures of Koko as he twirled and pranced around the room with grace.

She also recorded him, too overjoyed to see how healthy he was... It was a while since things had been lively... And now, she wouldn't take it for granted.

Once Koko finished his dance, he ended it in an arabesque, with Chloe cheering for him as she even dropped her phone to give him a round of applause. She was so happy to see her cousin healthy again, and was about to run towards him to hug him...

... But then she finally saw it.

As she took a close look at his face, it was deathly pale, eyes closed, his skin was as cold as ice, devoid of any warmth, and lastly, he had collapsed onto the ground.

Chloe was morbidly shocked, already trying to find a heartbeat, performing CPR on him, but after a few attempts...

He wasn't responding. He was now dead.

Chloe couldn't believe it. She could had sworn he was healthy when he danced, and now that she thought of it... He danced himself to death, literally.

"No... No no no no no no..." She repeatedly muttered before bursting loudly into tears, cradling Koko's lifeless body right in her arms. Her own cousin, who was also a brother to her...

Was gone.


Koko fluttered his eyes open, groggily waking up in a dark void with absolutely nothing in it except him.

"Ugh... Where am I?" He asked himself. The first thing he noticed was that, he was completely healthy again! How was it possible...

"Woah... I haven't felt energized in months..." He muttered, before noticing another thing having changed.

He was in... A ballerina costume?

He had to admit, it was slightly embarrassing to wear it out of the blue, but now he had another problem; Where in the absolute heck was he?!

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