GiyuShino AU

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The battle is almost there...

The 500 year long awaited battle with the Demon King, Giovanni was almost there, they just had to act accordingly to the plan.

It was only 3 months left before the materials for the plan and battle were complete.

Koko was alone in his room full of plants and herbs, almost looking like a jungle as he was injecting something in himself.

Ash, a fellow Hashira of Koko's and a dear friend (as Koko sees it) of his, noticed what Koko was doing.

"Koko, what is that you're injecting inside you?" Ash asked, looking worried.

"Ash...?!" Koko jumped a bit when he felt Ash's presence behind him, almost digging the needle of the syringe deeper inside his skin, but luckily, it didn't happen.

"You need to knock next time, thank you." Koko said sarcastically, patching up the place where he injected himself.

"What are you even trying to inject yourself with? Come on, just answer me." Ash said, persistent and worried for his friend.

Koko just sighs, thinking he should probably tell him... His plan of defeating Zed, Uppermooon 2, and the murderer of his parents.

"I'm injecting myself with Wisteria." Koko bluntly replied, trying to leave the room to avoid Ash. He knew how much Ash treasured him as a friend, and he didn't want to break his heart with what he needed to do...

However, before Koko could leave the room, Ash grabbed his wrist gently, but tightly.

"Tell me the truth." Ash said in a gentle but stern tone. He needed to know why his friend was like this...

Koko wanted to escape, but he knew it was futile since Ash was stronger than him, and he could easily overpower him if he ever attempted to avoid him.

"I... I made Sharon modify my body to intake Wisteria... And I've been injecting myself with Wisteria since then." Koko explained, just giving up to explain what his plan is to Ash. He had to be honest with him, even if it was harsh.

"For what exactly?" Ash asked, looking concerned for Koko. Why would he let his body be modified to have... Wisteria?

Ash stayed silent to think about this. Wisteria is the only flower that is poisonous to demons, hence why they are used like a repellant.

But it still didn't make sense, Koko wouldn't do such drastic measures on his own body to be filled with Wisteria... Unless... He intended it on purpose to...

... Sacrifice himself.

"Are you... Planning to sacrifice yourself?!" Ash exclaimed, having put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Koko just stayed silent, averting his gaze from Ash's, knowing his friend now knew. His silence gave away the fact that Ash was right.

"Koko are you out of your damn mind?! Why are you doing this?! Putting wisteria inside your body?! What gave you such an idea?!" Ash yelled in mixed emotions of sadness, anger, and concern.

"Zed..." Koko muttered, clenching his fists. He was his sworn enemy, and even killed his own parents in front of him. He needed to kill him, no matter the cost.

"Still!! Why sacrifice yourself like that?!" Ash said, tears now forming in his eyes. He felt hurt that his friend was doing this, harming himself for the sake of revenge.

"He killed my parents! What do you expect?! I'm not you, who can forgive demons despite the fact they are ruthless!!" Koko angrily retorted, his voice cracking because now, a dear friend of his knew of his plan.

"No... There must be some other way for you to end him, just don't kill yourself!" Ash said, a tear rolling down his cheek while holding Koko's shoulders, looking at him directly.

This was the first time Ash had ever shown any vulnerability to Koko, or maybe anyone he knew right now... And Koko was touched.

A tear also fell down Koko's cheek, realizing that with what he was doing... He's leaving behind friends and family heartbroken...

He then touched Ash hand that was on his shoulder, giving him a genuine smile. A smile that he hadn't felt in for years... It felt pleasant, as it was not like his forced, plastered on smile he always wore after his parents death.

"Fine... I'll consider it." Koko finally spoke, as Ash just hugged him tightly, sobbing loudly.

Koko just slowly reciprocated his friend's hug, stroking his hair as well to soothe him.

"All right, all right. No need to cry." Koko said, trying to soothe him as best as he can, before Ash finally spoke.

"I forgive you..." Ash sobbed.

"But you're never doing such a stunt again."

Koko just nodded, knowing that he had no choice anyway, since Ash was always persistent in things, especially if it involves people he cares for.

Koko then quickly and mentally provised an alternative to his plan:

He would keep the modifications in his body just in case, but he wouldn't sacrifice himself.

He then looked up at Ash.

"I found an alternative, and I won't kill or sacrifice myself. Happy now?" Koko asked, back to his normal tone, but a bit more gentle.

"Good." Ash said, his face full of uncertainty in what he was doing next, as he sighs and kissed Koko's forehead, before walking outside the room.

"Take care, Koko." Ash said before closing the door, leaving a blushing Koko alone in his room.

"D-Did he just... Kiss me?!" Koko exclaimed, now finally realizing it as his blush skyrocketed, having forgotten about what happened, as his main problem now is whether he could try tone down his blush or not.

"Damn it... You always know how to do this to me..." Koko muttered bashfully, finally accepting his secret feelings for Ash as he works back onto his medical, botany stuff.

And here's the end of this weird chapter!!
-The pair have been harboring feelings for one another, they just decided to keep it secret from one another.
-Koko is very flustered to any affection Ash showers him with.
-Ash has noted Koko many times his room looks like a jungle thanks to how many plants and herbs are messily scattered across his room.
-They live happily, don't worry.
-though they lost a few body parts. (Can u guess what they are?)
-And here, Giovanni of Team rocket is the king of demons BC he and Ash are canonically mortal enemies 👍

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