Arlechinno x Clervie AU Oneshot

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"Do dads usually argue with their children?"

That was the question Ash asked as he bandaged up the bruises and cuts his friend, Koko had acquired after receiving a beating from the their 'Dad', Zed.

Koko doesn't answer Ash's question, just remaining silent as his friend bandages him up.

Soon as Ash was finished tending to Koko's wounds, the redhead opened the window of their shared room to reveal a beautiful, dark night full of glittering stars.

"I heard that in Snezhnaya, colored light dances along with the stars in the night sky..." Koko mutters, smiling at the thought.

"Should we see them together someday, Ash?"

Ash nodded, blushing slightly as he holds Koko's hand to make sure he was okay.

They were the bestest of friends, almost always seen together, eating cake, and tending to the plants in the garden.

One day however, during those 'family barbecue' activities in the House of the Hearth, something happened...

And it was horrible.

There was Ash, his eyes wide in shock, as Koko was leaning against him...

... With Ash's sword piercing his body.

With a shaky voice, Koko mutters in his ear. "You... Will become a great king one day... Ash."

Ash just tried to hold back his tears as his friend was on the brink of death.

"I'm sorry... Thank you."

Those were the last words Koko said before he had his last breath, collapsing on the ground, bleeding, now lifeless.

Ash fell to his knees, dropping his sword, before crying out in pain and anger as he cradled the dead body of his friend in his arms.

And on that moment, Ash swore revenge towards their 'Dad', who was never one anyway, as Ash grabs his sword, cleaning it before giving Koko a proper funeral, burying him next to the pet spider Ash had when he was a child.

Soon, he confronted Zed, and the two went on to have a heated fight.

Ash was almost defeated, until he noticed the Lumidoce Bell in the rubble, shining in the moonlight, reminding Ash of what Koko wished for...

"I would like to experience the outside world... Let's do it together, Ash."

Zed charged towards Ash quickly, trying to stab him, but Ash dodged all attacks, though a few scratches on Ash's face were made as Zed backs off after Ash attempts to slash him with his sword.

"You know Ash, seeing your potential, you can become the one and only king!" Zed triumphantly exclaimed, before Ash sped towards him, kicking him in the stomach that was so powerful, that he hit the ceiling of the orphanage.

Ash then jumped at a high length, his sword showing deep red flames as he stroked Zed down with the flames of his wrath, literally.

"Sorry, but my answer is no."

And with that, Zed was took down by Ash's strike, as well as burning down the whole orphanage, leaving only debris and ruins.


Ash was now in Snezhnaya, in his prison cell, his hands bound with cuffs as he can hear others mumble things about him.

"That boy killed Zed, the harbinger?"

"He seems dangerous..."

"And scary..."

Ash just deliberately ignored them, sighing before he notices a snowflake in his prison cell, before it went out of the window as it was opened, revealing a beautiful aurora borealis along with the stars glittering in the night sky...

Ash realized this must be what Koko talked about when they were kids, and he had a warm smile, a tear running down his eye.

"Koko..." Ash muttered as he enjoyed the sight.

"They're absolutely beautiful... I have seen them now." He adds with a soft sniffle, before the beautiful memory is interrupted by the sound of his cell door opening.

"Kid, Sir N is calling for you." A guy said.

"N? Why am I being called for... by a harbinger?" Ash asked, his eyes narrowing before the jail keeper uncuffs him, leading Ash to where the other harbingers were...

Harbingers 5, 7, and 8 were there, as well as a man with green hair that resembled the lights in the aurora borealis Ash had seen earlier. That guy must be N.

Ash was then given a white coat with a fur neckline, as he realized he was taking the place of the Knave.

He was now a harbinger himself.

"Hello there, Ash." N greeted him.

"The Tsaritsa has granted you pardon of your crimes..." He announced with a bow of respect for the new member, Ash. "And now, you shall serve as an important member here my poor, mad, cursed Knave."

And that was the way Ash now became a member of the harbingers, being the Knave, the 4th ranked harbinger of the Fatui.


Around a few years later, Ash was visiting Koko's grave, bringing Lumidoce Bells as those were his favorite flowers as a kid as he kneeled in front of the grave and mourned him in silence.

Soon enough, Ash heard a twig snap, making him look towards where the sound was produced...

To see a disheveled child.

With slight curiousity, Ash stood up, nearing towards the child, before kneeling down to be
on-level with them.

"Do you have a name, child?"

The child shook their head, remaining silent.

"Very well then." Ash said, now standing up once more.

"I will take you in, and raise you like a strict, and unfeeling Father..."


And that's all!! Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
- For Zed being called 'dad', it was like to give a happy-go-lucky atmosphere, like a happy, innocent dad with good intentions (he ain't that at all 💀💀💀)
- While Ash being called 'father' was a way to put some authority and respect towards the kids, while also showing his care for them 😌
- And here, I actually made Koko and Zed related by Zed being Koko's uncle, but yeah the relationship is kinds abusive (just picture the former knave and Clervie's relationship and that's how it sums up here)
- Yes I made this a doomed romance MWEHEHE
- Both Ash and Koko like cake and gardening
-And the pair have harbored feelings toward one another (with Koko never having said them, while Ash confessed on his grave 🪦)
- Well well well I mentioned the name of one of my OCS here mwehehe (they're Ash and Koko's kid 👉👈)

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