Chapter II - Kill the Xenos

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High Charity, Covenant Holy City

High Charity, Covenant Holy City

"There was only one ship."

The Elite spoke as if the weight of glares cast upon him could crush his bones. The cold, unyielding gaze of the Prophets of Truth, Regret and Mercy cut the deepest. Truth, Regret and Mercy were the highest ranking officials in the Covenant. The Elite in the center of the chamber had been summoned to answer for the events surrounding the destruction of one of the Sacred Rings.

"One ship... Are you certain?" The High Prophet of Truth's voice was soft, almost understanding. It was also a brilliant ploy. The High Prophet of Regret was visibly quivering with anger and provided an excellent foil for Truth.

"Yes, the humans called it the Pillar of Autumn." The former Supreme Commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice said matter-of-factly. All this information was already known to the High Prophets. This proceeding was nothing more than a show trial, a stage on which the Hierarchs could cast the blame and show the Covenant that they were still in complete control of the faithful.

"Why did it not perish along with the rest of the Human fleet?" The High Prophet of Mercy struck the armrest of his hover-chair with a fierce blow. It was the first time the elder Prophet had spoken. The irony of Mercy's position was not lost on the Elite. Mercy oversaw executions, law enforcement and the suppression of heresy. The assembled Minor Prophets and Elite Councilors were growing restless. It was obvious the charade was wearing thin.

"It fled, as we set Reach ablaze. I followed with all the ships at my command." He recounted the events enough times in his actual trial and there was no point to altering it now.

"When you first witnessed Halo, were you blinded by its holy radiance? Is that how the humans were able to land on the Sacred Ring and desecrate it with their unholy presence?" Regret's voice was tinged with fury. Truth resisted the urge to shake his head in disgust. It was fortunate his younger colleague was elsewhere, lest he embarrass the proceedings of the council.

"No. Noble Hierarchs, you must understand that once the Parasite..." The collected Minor Prophets erupted into a frenzy at the Zealot's perceived excuse. Even the Elite Councilors, who had mostly monitored the proceedings in stoic silence conferred among themselves.

"There will be order in this Council!" Mercy shouted as loud as his ancient vocal cords allowed. The anger at the break of decorum and procedure was evident on his face. Truth motioned with his hands, sending an unspoken message that the elder Prophet should calm himself.

"Your efforts to contain the spread of the Flood were noble and wise, but the actions of this demon, this 'Master Chief'..."

The Sangheli knew that these public proceedings were drawing to a head. There was no doubt that he was going to die. He knew his words and actions during this trial were securing him a painful and gruesome execution. The Prophets had expected him to enter the proceedings and beg forgiveness for his failings. After his devout and pious confession, the prophets would have him executed in the most humane way possible. The Elite had almost nothing left. There would be no more glorious campaigns against the pagan humans. His life as a leader of his brothers was over. He had accepted his fate, but if he was going to die and have everything stripped away at least he would die with his personal honor. The climax of this trial was rapidly approaching.

"By the time I learned of the Demon's intent, there was nothing that could be done."

Once again, the Council chambers erupted into a frenzy. The shouts for order from Mercy were being completely ignored. The Lesser Prophets were shouting various curses and hexes at the defendant. Directly behind the Sangheli, Tartarus, leader of the Brutes scoffed at the spectacle. It would, in his mind, have been better to kill the incompetent one immediately.

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