Chapter V - Daemon

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Cairo Station, Space Elevator sector

Cairo Station, Space Elevator sector

A pair of Uggnoy peeked around a corner in the bowels of Cairo Station. The Elites in charge of their unit at least had the courtesy to give them Needlers and a few Holy Flares. Takyet was the first around the corner. His Needler shook as he sniffed for the distinct and rather disgusting smell of humans. The second Grunt, Wicut, rounded the corner a short time later. The younger Uggnoy was nervously searching every shadowed nook and cranny.

Takyet turned around and snapped at his comrade. "What you doing?! No need to search there! Humans much too big to hide there. Make good grunty hiding spot though..."

Wicut took cover behind a packing crate. "Me know that we need be careful. I has bad feeling about this!"

Takyet didn't even attempt to hide his sarcasm. "You have a bad feeling about everything."

After a few beautiful moments of quiet, Wicut decided he needed to talk again. "Hey Takyet... Why all enemies breathe oxygen? Why no one breath methane like normal?"

Takyet stopped in his tracks. "That good question. But shut up. We need to find Big Lift."

"Boss... Do you think there are more Demons?"

"You dummy! There is only one... HUGE DEMON!"

Wicut came up behind Takyet. "Bad joke, very bad joke!" The Uggnoy looked up and terror gripped him. "I just wet self."

The Uggnoy pair gazed upon the most horrific creature they had ever seen. It was a scene from the darkest of their nightmares. The monstrosity was massive. The Demon was as tall as an Elite and even broader than a Brute. It was clad in golden yellow armor decorated with numerous pictures of winged human skulls and clinched armored fists. The helmeted eyes glowed with the red fires of hell. The worst part of this monster was its voice. On the most basic level, the language it spoke sounded human. However, it was a loud as thunder and wasn't like any other human language the Grunts had ever heard.

"Frater-Centurion! XENOS!"

The creature readied his massive weapon as a second, more horrifying demon appeared. The second demon wore the same armor as the first, but carried a banner most prominently decorated with a large double-headed bird of prey above the clinched fist symbol worn on each demon's right shoulder on his back. The demon did not have the big human-style gun; instead it wielded a massive glowing cannon that howled with an unnatural fury. Worse, it carried a massive sword armed with what looked like the teeth of all the lesser monsters the demon had killed.

"Hos xenos no son dignos neco con hos pius tornilladores!"

Wicut turned to flee, but a massive armored fist crashed down upon his skull, utterly crushing him.

Takyet dove to the right and activated his com unit. "DEMONS AT BIG LIFT!"

Those would be the last words Takyet ever spoke. Brother-Captain Thomas kicked the unfortunate Grunt across the room, leaving him little more than a luminous blue blood stain on the far wall.

Threshold Gas Mine

The lift moved with annoying sloth. While the Arbiter's three comrades didn't have to worry about their active camouflage overheating and failing, the Arbiter's own stealth unit wouldn't last forever. One of the Sangheli took an unseen step forward.

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