Chapter IV - Fist of Iron

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Cairo Station, Earth Orbit, Sol System

Cairo Station, Earth Orbit, Sol System

Magos Micel offered a libation to the machine spirit as the other techpriests continued to recite the prayers to the Machine God. The same crowd that had been watching Father-Confessor Brahae's service was nervously stood back from the Adeptus Mechanicus group.

"What. The. Hell?" Cortana materialized in her holoprojector and crossed her arms.

Magos Micel bowed slightly towards the holo-projection of Cortana. "We are merely consecrating your systems in the name of the Omnissiah. It would be an unforgivable sin for such a strong Machine Spirit to succumb to the Ruinous Powers."

"Consecrating? Oh my God, you have to be kidding!"

"Yes, as I already said, this is to prevent you from being consumed by the Forces of Chaos if there was another Daemon incursion. We can't have you becoming corrupt and turning against the light of the Omnissiah now can we? If it is your wish, we can begin installing the Gellar Field immediately."

Cortana looked directly at Lord Hood and flashed an epic 'you owe me' look. "Fine. I'm not sure about this mysticism, but I don't want to become a plaything for some hellspawn."

Magos Michel's expression grew dark at the perceived affront. "This 'mysticism' has protected the Adeptus Mechanicus from Chaos for longer than your Earth has had writing! Your ignorance is tragic, but forgivable. I endeavor to complete with the precision of the mechanical."

UNSC Marine Corps Hospital, New Mombassa, East African Protectorate

John Painter stirred at the sound of numerous soldiers milling about and the whimpering and pleas for mercy from numerous hostages. As he looked up, Colonel Wright stood and greeted several soldiers. The other soldiers stood at attention and waited.

Colonel Wright took a deep breath and bellowed. "Blood for the Blood God!"

Dozens of voices shouted in return. "Skulls for the Skull Throne!"

The prisoner of the Berserkers looked up. "What is this? Why are you doing this?"

Colonel Wright spun the letter opener in his hands. "Because we are the FUTURE! The Forces of Chaos cry out for your soul!"

John screamed in defiance. It was a feeble attempt to hide his fear. "Soul? A myth of a primitive time!"

Richard kneeled and looked directly into Painter's soul. "Oh, how you will pray for that to be true."

Richard and his Berserkers proceeded to slaughter their hostages in a sacrifice to their new Patron God. Blood flowed forth and congealed into the Rune of Khorne. The air became slick and reality began to bend and change. It was a scene from Hell itself, but for the new followers of Khorne, it was glorious.

Covenant Phantom en route to Threshold

Rtas' Vadumee walked among his Elites and Grunts. He quietly observed the various rituals each warrior was undertaking before the battle. Rtas' knew it was the time.

"Brothers! Comrades! When we joined the Covenant we took an oath!"

The Sangheli responded in unison. "By our standing, all without exception"

Rtas' continued the Crusader's Prayer. "By the blood of our forefathers, on the blood of our sons! We swore to uphold and defend the Covenant!"

The Elites continued the prayer with the proper response. "Even with our final breath."

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