※**Shocks and Suprises**※

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I stuff my hands in my pockets as I walked back home from detention. The only thought that was running through my mind was when Lucas had said he wasn't always 'perfect.'

Sighing I walk past Central Park and gaze at the trees in awe. The scenery was so beautiful and an amazing piece to sketch. While walking by Central Park I saw two girls sitting on a bench doubled over laughing. I smile at the two best friends, but it quickly faded as I realize who they are.

My eyes widen and I immediately look away and keep on walking. As long as I get out of here quickly and unnoticed I should be fine..

"Oh look, it's Maya!" I hear Riley say in a sarcastic tone.

Turning around I roll my eyes and cross my arms,"What do you want?"

"For you to leave," Julie comments and laughs along with Riley.

I unfold my arms and just stare at them for a couple of moments. Riley and I use to despise girls who acted like this and now she is one of those girls.

"What happened to you?" I question looking at Riley.

Riley looks shocked at my comment and just stands there dumbfounded. I scoff and narrow my eyes at her, before turning and walking away.

Smiling I smugly walk out of Central Park and continue down the sidewalk.
Soon I round the corner of my apartment complex and quickly make my way to mine.

Opening the door I walk in and look around to see no one home. Sighing out of content I walk over to the kitchen and find a note on the counter.


Mike is out of town again if you were wondering, and I am working late night. I left you a couple of chicken strips in the fridge. Love you!

Grabbing the note I crumple it and toss it to the ground. Sighing I walk over to the fridge and open it. Sure enough there is two pieces of chicken strips on a plate in there. Picking up the plate I touch the chicken to see its still warm.

"She probably had just left," I say out loud and close the fridge.

I walk out of the kitchen and head toward my room. Closing the door I sit down on my bed and begin to eat. A smile breaks out onto my face as I chew the chicken. As I finish up an idea pops into my head.

I set my plate down and grab my sketch book and a pencil from my desk. Walking over to the window I open it up and climb out onto the fire escape.

Opening up my sketch book I look around at the view around me. Old run down stores, people here and there, and trees everywhere along the sidewalks. I grip my pencil and gently begin to press down on my pad.

My hand works gracefully as I look from the view in front of me and back down to my sketch. I bite my lip as I erase and continue to draw. I am so concentrated that I barely notice someone come up my fire escape.

"Mind if I sit here?" The voice questions and my head immediately snaps up.

My eyes widen in shock and I drop my pencil. I blink a couple of times and just keep on staring at them. Questions keep shooting through my head, but I still keep quite.

Why is he here?

Where has he been?

What's going on?



Hey yall! WOOO I FINALLY UPDATED! I saw all of you comments and I just wanted to say thank you for being so sweet and caring! Thank you for reading this story! I hoped you enjoy this chapter and sorry it's short!
Guess who's back? BRANDONN!

Don't forget to




Love yall!

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