Chapter 1

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A concerned look crossed Hermiones face as dunbledore announced "Harry Potter" she looked around the great hall her face filled with worry. Harry not even looking at her simply took ginnys hand in his. He whispered something in her ear and a smirk crossed her face as she winked.

Hermione felt her heart twist and she didn't know why. She watched as Harry walked up to Dumbledore waving at the crowd. The Slytherins and Hufflepuffs had scowls on their faces while the rest of the room cheered loudly. There were many cat calls including Ginnys.

"I'm so happy for him" Ginny told Hermione when everything was calm again. Hermione got annoyed at the small comment from Ginny. She should be worried. He wasn't even old enough. Hermione however not wanting to cause an argument nodded as Ron stormed out. Hermione stared after him confused but decided not to look into it.

"Harry!" Hermione had decided to visit the room they had all went to. She ran to him wrapping her arms around his neck and a small blush crept across his cheeks. "Hermione? What are you doing here" she turned around to see what the source of the voice was. Ginny stood there with a confused look on her face "uh I just came to congratulate Harry I-i gotta go now" Hermione stuttered rushing from the room in embarrassment.

"Harry I'm so happy you're going to do great!" Ginny kissed him on the lips getting many wolf whistles. Hermione having witnessed this left. She felt like she wanted to cry for some reason. She walked into the bathroom looking in the mirrors and touching up her makeup. "Hi" she heard a deep voice say and turning around in confusion. Her eyes widened in shock. "Uh what are you doing in the girls bathroom" she blushed but wanting to seem confident smile. His eyebrows shot up. "First of all this is the boys bathroom" he told her which got him a confused look "and second of all I should be asking you that" he crossed his arms with sarcasm. Hermiones face was beetroot red. Why had she been so stupid?

He saw the blush and laughed "Im viktor" Hermione nodded as if she hadn't already known that. "Hermione" she shook his hand and smiled as he kissed it. "Come on I can walk you" viktor offered. As they walked they talked about everything finally arriving outside. "I'll see ya around" viktor smiled teasingly as he replied "yeah just pop into the boys bathroom and I'll see you then" winking which made Hermiones cheeks even more red. She watched his shadow walk away before entering the common room where a party was going on.

I'm going to make the chapters longer just thought it needed a starting point

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