Chapter 2

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"Attention everyone!" Hermione stopped talking to Ron and turned to the front of the room. Dumbledore was stood at the top of the room calling for everyone's attention. "This year we will be having the Yule ball" he started explaining what it was as loads of people looked at people they would like to have as dates. Once Dumbledore stopped talking Harry turned to Ginny taking her hand in his "dates?" He asked in amusement. Ginny gave an eye roll "no" she replied with a laugh and watched Harry to see if he'd get mad. His mouth widened in shock at the abrupt answer "harry im joking of course I'll be your date" she explained which made Harry laugh. "Hey Mione can we talk?" She saw Viktor Come up behind me.

Harry was watching. For some reason his jaw was clenched and he was staring at viktor with a threatening look "yeah of course" she tells him telling Harry and Ron she'll  be back in a second "what's up?" She asks once they reach the lake outside. "Will you be my date?" She's surprised by the question and simply stares at him in awe before nodding "yes Viktor of course I will" Hermione takes his hand in her and gives him a sweet gentle kiss.

They arrive back in the great hall bidding each other goodbye and heading back to their friends "hi guys" Ron stares at Hermione confused as to why Viktor Krum would talk to her. "You jealous I'm talking to your boyfriend Ronnie" she asked teasingly which makes Ron's face go bright red. Hermiones too busy messing with Ron that she doesn't notice the jealousy that flashes beneath Harry's eyes.

"Harry I can't believe you you're not even denying it" Hermione could hear the bitterness in Ginnys voice as she yelled. She could hear her crying from up in the fourth year dorms. She wasn't really paying attention until she heard her name "what's going on" she wondered out loud as she walked into the common room. Ginny turned to her jealousy plastered onto her face "what's wrong is you making a move on my man" the way she said it made hermione think she was joking so she let out a nervous laugh which gets an eye roll from Ginny as she shoves past her roughly making Hermione fall. "Hermione are you okay" Ginny turns around to see Harry kneeling beside her and runs up the stairs laying there crying.

"Im fine Harry go after Ginny" Hermione reassures pointing up the stairs. She wasn't fine. Her stomach was in pain and she felt like she might faint "are you sure?" Harry asked unconvincing and Hermione nodded. "Hermione are you okay" with all the chaos going on Hermione hadn't noticed Ron stood there. She nodded trying to get up but immediately sitting back down. She couldn't even stand. "We need to get you to the hospital wing" Ron told her concern flooding his face. Hermione shook her head trying to get up again but the force of the pain pushing her back down. "Come on" Ron lifted her up bridal style rushing her to the hospital wing. "Is everything okay?" A confused madam pomfrey came out "it's Hermiones-" Ron now realised he didn't know what hurt "stomach" Hermione whispered and was surprised that madam pomfrey had heard. A pain had shot through Hermiones side when she'd spoken. "You've three broken ribs and looks like you might need your appendice out whoever pushed you they real put force into it" madam pomfrey told them worriedly.

"Her-my-ninny" viktor was stood there. Ron stared star struck at the celebrity in front of him. He knelt beside her kissing her cheek and whispering words of encouragement to her "I'm going to go deal with Ginny" Ron told them and before Hermione could argue he'd left.

"Ginny!" Ron ran into the third year girls dorm. Ginny was sat there laying on Harry's chest with a smile on her face "what's up Ron?"

"You got Hermione in the hospital" Harry who hadn't been listening before sat up straighter. "Who cares" an eye roll. If Harry went he'd risk losing Ginny so he laid back down too. "I care gin! You could've seriously hurt her and to think she thought you were friends!" Ron says in a rush. "By the way you're talking about her it sounds like you've a crush" Ginny states looking back at Harry so she doesn't notice the blush on Ron's cheeks "I hope you're proud of yourself gin because mom won't be" Ron threatens before leaving to go back to Hermione.

Trouble in paradise for hinny?

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