Chapter 6

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Dear Viktor Hermione wrote. Scratching that she crumpled it up throwing it in the bin. Why was it so hard to write him a letter Hi viktor deciding that was fine she continued writing saying the words as she wrote them "I know that we recently became.." she couldn't come up with the proper word. "Partners" she finally wrote putting a full stop before x-ing it off "but I recently realised that I need time to work on myself... not be caught up with someone else. Again I'm sorry hope we can be friends" she contemplated what to finish it with 'love Hermione'? No, too coupley. 'Sincerely Hermione'? No it sounded business like. She finally decided on 'from Hermione' not too business and not coupley. "Ps I'm sorry" she added on a whim. "Hedwig!" She called waiting for the owl placing the letter in her beak. Harry had given Hermione special permission to use hewing. Filled with relief she walked down to the kitchen. Ginny was sat there staring at Harry with puppy dog eyes. She'd never wanted the break. It was extremely obvious. "Ah Hermione morning" Mrs Weasley noticed her stood there. A shy smile came onto Hermiones face. Like always when Hermione was around Ginny put a possessive hand onto Harry's arm. Hermione wanted to rip the hand off his arm. "Thanks Mrs Weasley" Hermione smiled as she placed some eggs in front of her. "Harry?" Ginny was using her baby voice and Hermione stifled an eye roll. "Are we still going to the Yule ball together tomorrow" Hermione almost choked on her food as she gauged Harry's reaction. He looked shocked. It was obvious he didn't know what to do. Hermione had forgot there was a Yule ball. Now she'd have no date. Maybe her and viktor could go as friends? She thought hopefully. "Uh yeah I guess" Hermione felt disappointment flood her as she heard his answer. She got that they had history but seriously.

"Hermione you got a letter!" Hermione heard Mrs Weasley call. How had he gotten it so quick. She ran down the stairs jumping the last three stopping in front of Mrs Weasley and taking the letter from her. "Thanks" she ran back up stairs eager to open.
Dear Hermione was he trying to act cold? She couldn't tell but kept reading anyway i get it I just hope we can become "partners" again soon. I hope this isn't permanent. Maybe we could still to the Yule ball as friends? Lots of love viktor. She finish reading. There was writing at the bottom which said "Yule ball as friends" and two boxes underneath. One said yes. One said no. She reluctantly ticked yes running downstairs "is Errol up to going to Hogwarts?" Hermione didn't want to ask to use hedwig again. Mrs Weasley looked up a smirk. "Mailing a letter for that boyfriend of yours" either ron or Ginny had told her. How else would she know. She didn't need to answer. Mrs Weasley knew. She always did. "Of course it is hun" Hermione nodded gratefully thanking Mrs Weasley before handing the letter to error. She was walking back upstairs when she heard Ginny and Harry talking. Her curiosity got the better of her so she decided to eavesdrop.

"I still love you Harry are you telling me you don't love me" she heard Ginny ask in her baby voice. "Ginny you know I always have-" before he could finish she heard their lips meet. She knew what it sounded like. She heard ginnys soft moans and Harry's quiet grunts. She ran up the stairs tears falling from her eyes "Mione?" Ron asked into the quietness. She hid not wanting to see anyone. "I know your there" she heard his sarcastic tone. She sat there quietly the quiet tears still falling. "Hermione?" He finally found her sitting down next to her. The space was very small and he found they were squished together but he didn't say anything. "What's wrong Mione" he wiped the tears from her face looking worriedly at her. She shrugged looking down and he lifted her head "Mione-" she cut him off with a sweet kiss. She didn't know why she did it. Maybe it was revenge for Harry kissing Ginny or maybe she had liked Ron all along. She couldn't tell. When the kiss ended a goofy grin was on Ron's face as he pulled her in for another kiss. "Hermione what about viktor?" Ron suddenly remembered Hermione had a boyfriend "uh we broke up" Ron said sorry but he didn't look sorry at all. "Save me a dance at the Yule ball yeah?" Hermione nodded. She was so confused. She knew she didn't like viktor. Of course she didn't. She was completely over that but she couldn't deny the feelings she felt for both Harry and Ron.

Love triangle!?

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