Chapter 3

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"Hey! Your back" Ron ran up to Hermione hugging her carefully. She laughed as he picked her up spinning her around "you alright?" Harry appears by Ron's side. Hermione smiles "sorry I didn't visit" an understanding look comes onto Hermiones face "Harry come on these people want to meet you" Ginny came up behind Harry.

A jealous look flashes beneath her eyes once she notices Hermione but she hides it. "Hermione your back" Ginny hugged her acting as if she were happy at the news even though it was obvious she was anything but happy. Hermione looked rather nervous when ginny hugged her. Once she pulled away she started shaking and a look of understanding shows in Ron's face. He holds her hand whispering in her ear that she'll be okay which makes Hermione smile. "Her-my-ninny" it was viktor. He picked her up carrying her over to the table. "Viktor put me down" Hermione squeals laughing as Viktor gently sits her down onto the bench. "Meet me at the kitchen after curfew" he whispered into her ear. Hermione didn't even know how he knew about that. "You two are cute together"Ginny told Hermione as she sat herself down beside harry. Ron then sat down the other side of Hermione "since when do you like Harry and since when does he like you" Ron teases quietly for nobody to hear but Ginny looks at him in horror. "I don't and he doesn't" I warn Ron but he continues teasing me until a blush makes its way onto my face.

"Harry?" I knock quietly on the fourth years boys dorm "come in!" A voice calls, not Harry but not Ron's either. "Oh hi Dean" she shuffle awkwardly from one foot to the other. "Your boyfriend's not here" Dean winks. Hermione had a crush on Harry since their first year but nobody needed to know that. "So uh do you know when he'll be back?" Hermione asked hopefully. Dean shrugged "could be a while he's out with Ginny. She's threatened by you, you know and whenever that happens she has to remind Harry why he's into her" Dean winked making a disgusted look cross Hermiones face.

Dean laughed "don't worry nothing to worry about" he punched her shoulder jokingly. Hermione gave him an eye roll crossing her arms. She didn't know whether she would wait for Harry to get back or not but before she could think he came in. "Oh hey Dean" Hermione thought she'd imagined the glare Dean got but she couldn't contemplate over it. "Harry I just came and you weren't here to ask for your invisibility cloak" a pleading look was on Hermiones face. Ron was there stood beside Harry looking to see what his best friend would do "uh yeah sure I guess" Harry looked confused as he went to his trunk digging through it finally pulling out the invisibility cloak. "I'll see you around. Thanks for this Harry" Hermione holds up the cloak gratefully before leaving. As she moves further and further from their room she can hear Dean and Ron both teasing Harry. "Hey" Ginny smiled when she saw me come into the common room but then her eyes go to the clock. "Isn't that Harry's?" She looks confused and jealous all at the same time. A blush finds its way onto Hermiones cheeks. "Uh yeah I borrowed it" she explained. At the explanation Ginny looks unconvinced. "Hey Hermione!" Ron was shouting after her chasing her finally arriving at the common room "yeah?" She questions him. He breathes out ragged breaths even though he hadn't even ran for long "uh firstly are you coming to the burrow for Christmas" Hermione nodded eagerly happy at the invitation. "And secondly will you go to the Yule hall with me as friends" Ron asks. It was obvious he needed a date badly but Hermione had one. "Sorry Ron I was meant to tell you. I guess I forgot I'm going with viktor but I have the perfect date for you!" Hermione squealed leading Ron over to lavender brown. "Hi lavendar" she looks up smiling but the smile grows wider when she sees Ron. "Hey Mione" she's obviously waiting for Hermione to introduce her. "Uh this is Ron and Ron this is lavendar" Hermione introduces them awkwardly. "Ron do you have something to ask" Hermione nudges Ron in the side before with a wink walking away. "Will you go to the Yule ball with me" an eager grin comes onto lavendars face as she nods. "I'd love to see ya then" before she leaves she kisses Ron's cheek before going over to her friends and squealing in delight.

"Hey viktor" Hermione walked up to him outside the kitchens taking the invisibility cloak away. He smiled once he saw it was her. "Come on" he gently took her hand tickling the pair allowing them access. Hermione was surprised to see over 100 house elves running around. The one from the quidditch World Cup was there aswell running around making tea. "Hello miss granger" one of the elves bowed and she was struggling to see how it knew her name but she didn't ask. "Hello uh viktor why are we here" Hermione tilted her head to the side confused. "Come on" viktor led her down the kitchen. A secret room was at the end of it. A table was sat there with a red tablecloth and loads of fancy food on it. "Viktor what is this?" Hermione was shocked but in a good way. She felt herself being drawn to him and finally they kissed before taking their seats at the table. "Our first date" Viktor said proudly showing off.

I hope you're enjoying my story so far!

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