Chapter 11

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"Hi Hermione" it was the next morning in the great hall and Harry planted a kiss on Hermiones face. Hermione turned around engaging herself in conversation with Lavendar. "How was your night with Seamus" lavendar smiled at the mention of his name. "He asked me to be his boyfriend" she giggled nervously. Hermione hugged her "I'm so happy for you" she replied.

"Hermione?" Harry tried again but hermione not even acknowledging Harry continued talking. "Hermione!" This time Harry shouted and turned her head ever so gently to face him "what, Harry?" An eye roll. He was shocked at the way Hermione was acting. "Do you wanna go to our special place" he was talking about the room of requirement. Hermione shook her head turning back to lavendar soon leaving. "Wait Parvati!" Harry called after Hermiones friend. "Moving onto your next girl now" he heard hermione mutter but had no clue what she meant. "What's up with hermione" Parvati let out a laugh. A laugh that didn't really sound like a laugh. A laugh that sounded more like a scream. "You don't remember?" She said innocently tilting her head to the side. "Ohh I get it usually when you kiss someone's face off you don't remember" Parvati made a dig at Harry. He still looked confused. "Parvati just tell me what I did?" Harry begged. She gave him an eye roll "you really don't know? Harry she saw you" Harry was still confused and urged her to go on. "You were kinda kissing Cho" Harry looked shocked "that's what this is about?" He questioned. She nodded with a raise of the eyebrows "Hermione wait up" Harry ran around the whole school chasing hermione. She didn't stop but he finally reached for her hand taking it. "I was" he gasped for breath. "Under a love potion" he breathed out. "Likely story" she laughed. Not a normal laugh. It sounded like she was screaming. She tried to walk away but Harry gently grabbed her waist carrying her before setting her down. She was now facing him with crossed arms. "Hermione I swear ok? I could never love anyone as much as you! Look at you. You're so pretty. I love you Hermione Granger. I love how your smart but you don't show off about it, I love how you constantly make me feel safe, I love everything about you, I love your bossiness it make you you and I love how your mean but not in a popular kinda way in a 'they need to hear it' kinda way. I will always love you Hermione and you don't forget it. I'll never speak to Cho again please" Harry said please in a whiny toddler way. Hermione smiled and lavendar was looking at Hermione. "If you don't kiss him right now I will" she laughed. Hermione gently pulled Harry's collar down leaning in for a kiss. "I love you too Potter" she breathed out and Harry smiled. Ron was staring at them. He looked kind of angry while Ginny looked happy for once. Did they change places? "Hi Ron" Hermione and Harry walked over to their best friend who didn't look overly happy. "I better go- somewhere" he ran off. "Hey Hermione?" It was Ginny. "Ya Ginny?" Hermione was curious as to why Ginny would talk to them. "I'm sorry" she apologised. She sounded sincere so Hermione pulled her in for a quick hug "friends again?" Hermione was praying she'd say yes. It wasn't fun being a red heads enemy. "Of course" a smile. Finally. "I'll see you later babe?" Hermione asked turning to Harry. She got a nod so she ran off with Ginny and lavendar. Harry could hear their echoed gushing "he said the L word" "you said it back" "do you love the boy who lived" he heard them say as they walked off. "Ron" his best friend was talking with Neville. Ron acted like he hadn't heard Harry and continued talking to Neville who was looking empathetically at Harry. "Hey Nev?" Harry asked when Ron had gone to the bathroom "hm?" Neville answered showing he was listening "what's up with Ron" Harry asked rather nervously. Neville swallowed "I honestly don't know I'd tell you if I did Harry but I think it may have something to do with uh the L word" he replied. Harry gave Neville a confused look but before he could question him further Ron walked out engaging Neville in conversation again. "Hey man what's up?" Harry spoke to Ron. Ron turned around swallowing. It looked like he might cry if he spoke. "Erm" he looked down digging his foot into the ground "I'll give yous two a minute" Neville said clearly as a way out. The two boys watched their friend depart before Harry spoke again "if I did something wrong don't you think I have a right to know what it is?" Ron nodded swallowing again "it just feels like now that you and Hermione are in love I'll be um third wheeling" a tear came to Ron's eye but he immediately wiped it not wanting to seem weak. "That's what this is about" harry let out a forced laugh. "Ronniekins your my best friend of course you won't third wheel. You're our best friend" Harry called Ron by the name he'd heard the twins call him in first year. Ron laughed at the use of it. "Ok if your sure you still want me around?" Ron questioned. Harry let out a laugh "no we don't" Ron's face immediately fell. "I'm just joking lighten up" Harry linked arms with his best friend.


"Hey what's up" Hermione sat down next to Harry placing her head on his shoulder. Harry couldn't help but tell her everything Ron had told him. "Really? Third wheeling?" She asked. Harry nodded. "I know a girl that has this huge crush on him from my dorm then we could go on double dates" Hermione squealed getting looks from loads of sixth years who were studying for their N.E.W.Ts. "One sec" Hermione ran faster than Harry had ever seen her move up to her dorm. He watched her retreat in amusement. Minutes later Hermione came down the stairs greeting Harry with a kiss alongside a pretty brunette.

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