Chapter 8

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"What the fuck happened" Ron appeared in the doorway waking Hermione up. She hadn't realised what a mess she looked. Her face red, blood everywhere even on her top and trousers, tears falling down her cheeks, a bit of vomit on her shirt. "Hi Ron" she muttered sleepily closing her eyes again. She didn't even feel the wetness anymore. It was probably dry blood. "What the fuck happened" Ron repeated. The memories from last night or maybe a few hours ago came back to Hermione. "Was this Ginny" Ron made a guess. Hermione didn't want to cause trouble. She didn't answer which gave Ron everything he needed to know. "Ok here" he sat Hermione up. She was embarrassed to be seen in the state she was in. Nobody had ever seen her like this. Ron gently took off Hermiones shirt. She put her hands over her bare stomach feeling embarrassed. She felt vulnerable. He put a new top on her before carrying her to the bathroom. By the way she was stood he thought she was dizzy. He picked up a sponge gently wiping the blood off her face. There were a few bruises and cuts on her face after the blood was gone. Ron carried Hermione back to the bed sitting her down and asking her yet again.

"What happened" Hermione looked down. "Um" she didn't want to rat Ginny out. Ron might tell Mrs Weasley. As much as Ginny had hurt Hermione with her words and fists Hermione didn't want to get anyone in trouble "tell me" Ron was begging at this point. Hermione finally relented "um after the fight Ginny sorta came in here and" she pointed at her face. Ron nodded. He'd already known that much. "I know you Hermione you won't cry over getting hurt physically. Why were you crying?" Ron urged her to spill. She sighed knowing she couldn't keep anything from him. "She said Harry would never like someone like me" she told him. Ron looked disgusted at his sisters actions "she what!?" He exclaimed clenching his fist but Hermione stopped him from getting up. "Ron I realise I love you but I'm IN love with Harry I'm sorry I just thought you should know" Hermione looked down fidgeting her hands in her lap. Ron nodded. "I'm not mad. I actually realised that I guess I liked the thought of you more than actually being with you" Hermione smiled. She was glad Ron understood. "Thanks Ron" Hermione wrapped her arms around Ron in a tight embrace and they stayed like that for a few minutes losing track of time. "Isn't this all cosy" they heard a voice. Harry was stood in the doorway alongside Ginny who had a smirk on her face. It was so obviously set up by Ginny. "Ginny how could you" Ginny looked from Hermione to Ron. Harry was now only noticing Hermiones cuts and bruises "oh my god what happened are you ok?" He rushed to Hermiones side. She nodded half smirking at Ginny "it's okay that you like Ron ok? We can be frie-" Hermione cut him off with a kiss gauging Ginnys reaction. She looked shocked, hurt, like she wanted to throw something. Tears filled her eyes but she quickly wiped them away not wanting to seem weak.

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