Chapter 13

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"Hey Harry and uh Hermione" the couple turned around to see Ginny stood there. "I got you some cookies and I got you buns Mione for Christmas of course. I got Ron some too" she smiled handing the buns to Hermione and the cookies to Harry. "Do you know where he is?" She continued questioning the pair. Harry nodded "with lavander probably. They're getting pretty serious" Ginny looked like she was about to barf "ew why'd he have to get with one of my friends" she commented as she left them searching for Ron.

"These are good" Harry made a comment as he ate the cookies. Hermione ate one of her buns and nodded "I wonder if their home-made I really need the recipe" Hermione smiled at the taste and Harry nodded agreeing. "I'll go find um Ginny" a smile came onto his face as he said her name but Hermione thought nothing of it. She walked over to Ron who was now enjoying a soft gooey cookie. "Hello ron where's lavendar" Hermione teased punching him in the arm slightly. A smirk came onto his face at her name. "She's um I don't know actually where's Harry" Ron threw back at Hermione. "Gone to find Ginny should we go to class seeing as our significant others are elsewhere" Hermione jokingly said causing a laugh from Ron. "Sure what is it, defence against the dark arts?" Hermione nodded an unwavering excited expression forming on her face. "I can't wait to see what moodys got in story" she shrugged dragging Ron to class. "Hermione" Ron whined obviously not wanting to go which got an eye roll from Hermione. "Ron we have to go to class" she said sternly which got a glare. Once they arrived Harry was already there. He was staring dreamily into the distance "hey babe" Hermione kissed his cheek as she sat down. "Babe?" Harry questioned. He had a confused expression planted on his face "we're not together though? I've a different girl" Harry continued. A hurt expression came onto Hermiones face. "Tell moody I'm sick I don't feel so good" she ran into the distance going straight to her room and laying on the bed. Eventually her bed was soaking with her tears. "Dude!" Ron yelled when Hermione had left. He stared after her and knew she was crying somewhere. "What?" Harry questioned Ron. Ron shook his head. "She's your girlfriend man!" Ron reminded Harry even though he shouldn't need reminding. "No im with Ginny Weasley" Ron's face had gone green at the thought. Harry loves Hermione why would he even say that Ron was trying to think reasonably but it was Hermione who was good at this kind of stuff. He was never any good at it.

"Hey Mione" Ron knocked on Hermiones room. He'd asked to go to the toilet. He needed to check on her. Months ago Hermione had showed the boys a spell that worked to get up to her room. "Come in" Hermione whispered. Ron could barely hear. He slowly opened the door. It made a squeak as he did. Hermione was laying with her head on the pillow. "Hermione are you okay?" Ron asked. She lifted her head. Her hair was all knotty, tears were falling, her eyes were red and mascara was all over her eyes. "I'm f-fine" she sniffed a few more tears falling. "No your not listen I'm trying to figure this out. I thought you could help? But only if you don't mind if it hurts your feelings" Ron asked hopefully. Hermione bit her lip before slowly nodding. "Harry said he was with Ginny. I don't know why. I thought yous two were madly in love" Ron told her in a rush. A look of understanding came onto Hermiones face. "The cookies!" She screamed a bit too loud causing Ron to jump before a confused expression landed. "She put a love potion in it. I don't know for sure but I think.." Hermione trailed off. Ron jumped up. "She definitely did! It's the only explanation" he agreed with her. She was shocked. She didn't think Ron would agree with her. She thought he'd call her crazy. They needed to figure out a solution

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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