Chapter 5

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"Hey Mione" Harry walked into the one room in the house he thought was empty. He hoped it would be. He needed time to think. Hermione looked up surprised. "Oh hi Harry" she gave him a small smile as she shifted awkwardly in her seat. "Uh how are you?" Hermione asked trying to make conversation. Harry nodded "good" before asking her how she was. There was clear tension in the room "I'm sorry about you and Ginny" Hermione said randomly. He nodded "it was for the best" he reassured her but she looked unconvinced that he could be handling it so well. "Listen I'm sorry about what happened with Ginny" Harry looked down embarrassed at his exes behaviour. Hermione nodded. He hadn't done anything wrong and even if Ginny had acted out of jealousy Hermione couldn't forgive her just yet but she could forgive Harry. It wasn't his fault. Hermione hadn't realised but Harry was an inch away from her and as she looked up their eyes met. She felt theirs lips come closer as they met pulling apart after a while. Hermione looked slightly embarrassed "um I'm sorry" she looked down tears in her eyes. She'd just betrayed Ginny and not only that had cheated on viktor. "No need to apologise listen Hermione I'd really like you to be my girlfriend. I've liked you for a while now. If you want I'll give you time to viktor but in a week or so will you please be my girlfriend?" Harry asked. He had his fingers crossed and was waiting nervously for the answer. "Yes Harry I will but it has to be a secret from everyone including viktor. I'll just say I wasn't thinking when I agreed to be his girlfriend and Ginny can under no circumstances find out. At least for a few months" Hermione thought he'd say no to all the terms and conditions she'd made up but to her surprised he nodded. Harry tried to kiss her again but she put her hand up. "Once I break up with viktor meet me at the lake. I'm gonna send him an owl. Meet me there Friday?" She questioned. She knew she'd have broken up with him then. Harry rolled his eyes nodding. "See ya then" this time he kissed her cheek softly before exiting the room.

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