Chapter 10

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The day of the Yule ball came. Hermione did her hair and makeup throwing on her dress smiling at how she looked in the mirror. "Hermione it's so good to see you" Parvati came into the dorm, a smile on her face. "You look amazing" Lavendar took in Hermiones outfit. She smiled at them "thanks so much you look amazing yourself" Hermione looked at them from top to bottom. "Hi girls" it was Ginny. She always came into their dorm since her room mates were snobs but Hermione thought she'd stop that now that she's with Harry. She was wearing a cute green dress while her hair had a claw clip in it. Her makeup was immaculate and Hermione couldn't help but admire ginnys outfit. "You look great" Ginny walked over to Parvati and lavender giving them each a hug. They both smiled. She didn't so much as acknowledge Hermione who was sat on her bed awkwardly. She heard a crash and went down to find Harry on the ground. Both Parvati and lavendar were in fits of laughter while Ginny rushed to his side helping him up "there you are babe" she smirked. Hermione tried to keep her emotions in check. She wanted a reaction. Harry who had been face planting the floor now looked up to see Hermione. He rushed over waiting for her to walk down. "You look amazing" Hermione smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself" the pair only had eyes for eachother. "They're so cute" Hermione could hear Parvati gushing and lavendar came back with a reply "they look so good together" they rushed down the stairs. "I better go meet Ron see you in there Hermione" Parvati waved running off to find her date. "Harry do you where Seamus is" Harry nodded replying that Seamus is still getting ready so lavendar stood waiting for her date to come down. "Shall we" Harry put out his arm Hermione taking it leaving the common room. "Before the dance since it's not for an hour I've a surprise" Harry smiled leading Hermione to a room. "What's the surprise" Harry smirked. A door appeared out of thin air. "This is the room of requirement" harry told her opening the door and walking in. There was a table in the middle with a red tablecloth, a candle in the middle and a few different types of foods. "Harry you did this for me" Hermione leaned up to give him a kiss. "Thank you" tears filled her eyes. Harry smiled at her reaction pulling out her seat for her to sit down.

I love you Hermione. I love you. The words kept circling through Harry's head. He wanted to say them. A few times he almost did but obviously deciding not too he said something different. "Hermione?" Harry held her hand in the middle of the table. She smiled "yeah?" Harry swallowed "I um im glad we're doing this" once again he chickened out. Hermione smiled nodding in agreement.

Once the dinner was over the pair of lovebirds walked down to the great hall hand in hand. Many people were already there and loads of other people stood in the crowds. Hermione looked around noticing viktor and instantly got curious as to who his date could be. She saw a flash of red hair and then the face of Ginny. She looked down seeing their joined hands. They were talking and laughing with Cedric. "Harry you're here!" Mcgonagals shrill voice shouted. "Ok everyone make your way into the hall" Mcgonagal announced sternly getting many annoyed glances from those who dates hadn't shown up yet. "I'll be back" Hermione whispered barely audibly into Harry's ear. Harry nodded noticing Ron and walking in the other direction. "Ginny can we talk?" Hermione wanted to make things right. She'd tried to talk in the dorms but then she'd heard Harry crash. "Uh aren't we talking now?" Ginny asked. Hermione rolled her eyes at the way Ginny thought she was so smart. "Listen I'm sor-" Hermione was cut off by Ginny. "I don't need your apology Hermione alright? I will never forgive you. You've done some vile things but this is by far the worst thing you've done" Ginny stormed off with viktor following behind. "Everything ok, love" hermione had been so busy she only noticed Harry beside her now. Nodding she walked over to where the champions were going to walk through. She heard music beginning to play and slow clapping from the students starting. Cedric with a girl from hufflepuff were first to walk in, followed by fleur who was followed by viktor. Harry and Hermione were last. They linked arms walking through. Hermione giggled which was very unlike her waving at her friends while she passed. Harry pulled Hermione to him placing a gentle kiss on her lips which got many wolf whistles as they started dancing "wanna sit" Harry laughed after the dance floor became crowded. "I'll get you a drink?" Harry continued. Hermione smiled "sure" she watched him retreat before taking a seat next to Ron and his date. "Hi Parvati" Hermione waved. Parvati looked up "hey uh Hermione" she looked over at Ron who seemed to have been watching me and Harry dancing because his eyes hadn't left the spot where Harry and I had left. Parvati was looking very bored "you guys going to dance?" She was making conversation. An eye roll from Parvati and a shake of the head from Ron. "I'd love to dance but nobody to dance with" Hermione shot Ron a dirty look which he didn't seem to notice. "Dance with us" hermione grabbed her friends hand. The pair danced for a few minutes before sitting back down smiles on their faces "here love" Harry handed Hermione a drink sitting down next to her and connecting their hands "awww" lavendar had walked over with Seamus. Envy was in her eyes but she smiled nonetheless. "Hello Harry uh Dumbledore wants you" cho had came over. Harry lent in kissing Hermione gently and whispering into her lips that he wouldn't be long. "You two are the cutest" lavendar took the seat Harry had been sitting in Seamus sitting beside her. Hermione smiled glad of the fact that everyone thought that. After an hour Hermione decided to go find Harry. She saw cho had Harry pinned against the wall kissing him. Harry seemed to be kissing back vigourously. She heard the soft moans from cho and the equal moans from Harry "keep going" she heard Harry mutter. A tear drop fell from her eye as she watched. Hermione watched as Harry invited Cho back to his room and Cho eagerly nodded continuing to kiss Harry as they walked. Before Hermione could be spotted she ran the tears blinding her as they fell. "Hermione" Parvati was shocked to see that hermione had been crying. "What's wrong" Hermione replied that all was good and tried to put on a brave face. "I better go" she pointed at the door running away. Why did it feel like every girl in the school was after her man.

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