Chapter 9

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A letter sat on Hermiones windowsill. In all the chaos she'd forgotten they were meant to go to the Yule ball.
Ms granger
Due to some of the champions not being able to come we were forced to cancel the ball. It will happen the night you all come back to school. As one of the champions dates you can miss class the whole next day
Sincerely Professor Dumbledore

Hermione finished reading. She didn't Care about missing school. She actually liked school. Another chance. She'd completely forgotten about it and had fallen asleep but now she had a redo. She just hoped viktor wasn't mad at her even though now she'd probably be going with Harry. It wasn't a secret. She'd wanted it a secret for the first few months but it had come out. She had mixed feelings about that fact. "Hermione" she turned around to see Harry the same letter she'd just read in his hand. "Will you be my date" he walked over to the bed. "And before you answer" he said before I could so much as open my mouth. He Picking me up and he kissed me. Once we broke apart I giggled "yes of course I will Harry" I hadn't realised but Ginny was stood in the door. Her face screwed up in rage. She looked like she was ready to commit murder. "Harry baby" I clenched my fists trying to gain a positive mindset so I didn't punch her. "I thought we were going to go together" she gave him puppy dog eyes and then to encourage my anger she lent it giving him a kiss. I watched as Harry struggled to get away. Her grip was tight and I immediately yanked the back of her hair. Harry smiled in a thanks kinda way and I stared at Ginny. "Um I'm going to- I need to uh go" Harry was looking for a way out of the fight that was yet to come. Relief filled his eyes when Ron ran in "Harry mum needs help. Hermione you too" Ginny rolled her eyes. "I'll be down in a sec" Hermione said I'm a sweet sort of tone. Ron nodded obviously clueless as to what had gone on. He'd probably stay to see the cat fight if he'd known but Hermione wasn't really in the fighting mood. "I better go" Hermione grabbed ginnys wrist digging her nails into her as she did so. "I'm going to go help mum" Ginny shuffled awkwardly. "No Gin what you did isn't right" Hermione said calmly. She wasn't going to shout, scream or throw a tantrum. She'd learned from her parents when she was a kid that that didn't get you anywhere. You need to speak in a calm tone of voice and refrain from fighting. "Hermione I'm gonna-" Ginny was cut off my Hermione who had started a lecture. "I get that you and Harry have history and I appreciate your past Ginny but Harry's mine now so you either stay away or-" Hermione thought of a threat that might get Ginny to stay away. She couldn't even think straight so she finally settled on "else" and Ginny let out a shrill laugh. "What you gonna do granger" she said teasingly. It sounded like she was joking but Hermione knew Ginny better than that. "You'll see" Hermione smiled an evil smile before leaving Ginny sitting there. "Hey babe" Harry kissed Hermiones cheek. Mrs Weasley glared at Hermione probably because she was as mad as Ginny. "Uh Hermione dear can I speak to you" Mrs Weasleys voice didn't sound as friendly as usual even if she did say "dear" Harry whispered good luck into Hermiones ear as he continued peeling the potatoes. "What you did to Ginny isn't right-" Mrs Weasley wasn't finished but Hermione was sick of people coming at her, shouting at her and annoying her just because Harry liked her and not Ginny. She was probably used to getting her way because she was only child "I" Hermione was going to pause between every word to get it into peoples heads "didn't" she paused for a millisecond "do" she took a deep breath before saying in a rush "anything wrong" Mrs Weasley gave her a sarcastic look. "Hermione you have to be responsible and learn from your mistakes now go break-" Hermione didn't know what came over her. She had no control over her hands as she slapped Mrs Weasley hard against the face. Mrs Weasley stood there staring at her in shock "I want you out" Mrs Weasley glared. "What?" Even though Hermione knew what she said she wanted her to repeat herself. "I want you out" Mrs Weasley said again this time more aggressively. Hermione looked down in shame. "I'm just going to go tell harr-" she was cut off. "No now" Mrs Weasley grabbed Hermiones wrist pushing her roughly out of the door and locking it. Hermione felt tears begin to fall. She had nowhere to go, her parents were on holidays and every single one of her belongings including all her money was inside. She suddenly remembered Ginny pointing at a house saying it was where Luna lovegood lived. Hermione didn't want to show up without invitation but it looked like she had no other choice. She stood on the porch knocking twice before stepping back giving whoever answered space. "Hello" it was Luna. She looked shocked to see Hermione stood there. "Uh Luna I'm so sorry to intrude" Hermione stopped mid sentence "you're not intruding" she smiled before saying "we don't get much visitors" she made a sad face. "Mrs Weasley kicked me out and I was just wondering if I could stay here tonight and tomorrow night just till school starts again" Hermione wasn't very hopeful. Her and Luna weren't even friends. Luna smiled a dreamy smile. "Of course come in" she opened the door wide enough for Hermione to squeeze through it. "Thanks so much Luna" before Luna could stop her Hermione had her arms wrapped around Lunas neck and kept thanking her. "It's ok Hermione" Luna laughed. Hermione stopped for one second half way down the hall "don't you need to ask your dad" she suddenly felt embarrassed. What if her dad threw her out like Mrs Weasley had done? Luna shook her head. "He's not gonna be here till the morning of we leave" Hermione nodded. "I'll be out before he gets here" Luna tried to argue but Hermione was set on it.

Meanwhile at the burrow:

"Dinners ready!" Mrs Weasley called awaiting the arrival of all the Weasleys. Harry was craning his neck in search of his girlfriend. He hadn't seen her in hours "where's Hermione" he whispered to Ron who hadn't seen Hermione in hours. "Where's Hermione" he whispered to Fred and George but they didn't know. He contemplated asking Ginny but she most likely wouldn't know "where's Hermione" he finally asked Mrs Weasley. She smiled "oh she's just having a nap. She had a headache and doesn't feel well" Harry didn't notice the smirk on ginnys face or the fact that Hermione would've told him. "Will I go check on her" Ginny grabbed Harry's arm telling him to sit down. Once he did so she leaned her head onto his neck.

Back at Lunas:

"Where's your stuff?" Luna asked confused. Hermione had shown up empty handed. She shuffled nervously before replying "uh I left it there. She wouldn't let me get it" she answered. Luna looked confused "why'd she kick you out anyway" Hermione suddenly told Luna that she was going to get it inviting her to come with. Luna immediately nodded following Hermione out of the house and over to the burrow. She knocked awaiting the answer and a few seconds later Ron opened the door "Hermione I thought" he looked over at his mother confused. "And Luna?" He questioned. Luna smiled bringing up her hand to wave. "Hello Ronald" he looked even more confused at the sight of Luna. "I just came to get my stuff" Hermione said assuming Ron knew that she'd been kicked out. "Your stuff w-what's going on" Ron was getting more confused by the second. "I was erm staying with Luna" Hermione didn't know if Ron knew and she didn't want to cause problems. "Why?" Ron prodded. She'd always known he was nosy. Mrs Weasley appeared behind Ron before she could answer "Hermione!" She screamed, not in rage it almost sounded like excitement. Hermione smiled back. Why did nobody know? What was she going to tell them. "And Luna your ginnys friend right?" Luna nodded a smile on her face. "Come in" she opened the door wide for the pair to Come in walking behind Hermione and whispering in her ear "you can stay but ever try something like steal my daughters boyfriend again we'll have problems" Hermione didn't know what to do. She loved Harry and didn't think she could just avoid him but she also didn't want to cause any arguements.

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