Chapter 7

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Hermione woke up the morning of the Yule ball applying her makeup and enchanting her hair to look nice. She wouldn't get into her dress until later. "Hey guys" Hermione smiled. Ron stared at Hermione with admiration as did Harry as she walked in. This didn't go unnoticed by Ginny. She didn't care about Ron but she turned Harry's head back to the table planting a possessive kiss on his lips. He was caught by surprise. Had they decided to get back together? A million thoughts were rushing through Hermiones head. "You look amazing Hermione" Hermione blushed a vivid shade of red. Ginny frowned. Why was her mother complimenting Hermione and not her. "Thanks Mrs Weasley" Hermione hugged her grateful not only at the compliment but at Mrs Weasley taking them in for the Christmas. "Hermione!" Harry rushed to keep up with her when she left after breakfast. She turned around "hi Harry" she smiled but it didn't meet her eyes. He smiled back trying to greet her with a kiss but Hermione stepped back "what's wrong?" Harry looked confused, hurt, even slightly annoyed. Hermione looked down "you and Ginny" she whispered quietly. She didn't want Ginny or any eavesdroppers to hear. She just wanted Harry to hear.

Harry looked surprised "there is no me and Ginny Mione" Harry said acting as if she hadn't just kissed him at the table. "I saw you Harry you literally said you loved her" Hermione wasn't trying to conceal her anger anymore. He shook his head. "She didn't let me finish I was going to say but I'm not in love with you at the end Mione" Harry told her but she was unconvinced. "Harry I can't be with someone who's still not over his ex" Hermione told him Harry shook his head trying to call after her again but she'd already disappeared.

"Mione are you ok you seem agitated lately" a concerned look showed on Ron's face. He didn't even try to hide it. "Ron I'm fine" Hermione was not only reassuring him but herself. He looked at her with some pity. "Mione I need to tell you something" Hermione encouraged him to tell her so he finally looked up "I've liked you since our first year. I didn't know how to tell you. When I saw you kissing Harry my beard shattered so I thought that by kissing you I could make you want me" he looked down his face filled with guilt regret and a bit of hope? Hermione but her lip thoughtfully. "Ron I used to like you" this made Ron look up his face immediately filling with hope "but I thought you didn't feel the same way now I'm just confused I love you and Harry I just need time to figure out who I'm in love with and who I love alright?" Hermione was hoping he'd understand and her face filled with relief as he nodded. "Thanks for telling me I hope that one day in the future we can be together" he kissed her cheek waving as he left. That was the easy part. She didn't know how she was going to tell Harry.

"Hey" Hermione saw Harry sat in the room they had kissed in by himself. She took this as an opportunity to approach him. He looked up at the sound of her voice. "Oh hey" he nodded in greeting. He looked happy. He probably thought she wouldn't speak to him again. "Harry I'm sorry-" he cut her off. "I was just about to say sorry what are you sorry about it's not like you kissed Ron" he'd chosen the Ron example. Harry could see the regret in Hermiones face "you kissed Ron didn't you" Harry suddenly said while Hermione nodded. "Harry I'm sorry I just need time-" he cut her off. "You kissed Ron!? Hermione seriously" Hermione immediately jumped in "you kissed Ginny! You can't say much!" She heard people walk in. She couldn't care less who they were "I guess that means you and Ron are together" his face was filled with hurt. Hermione shook her head "I told him I need time to figure things out. A few weeks at least to mull things over" Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm not waiting around for you Hermione! Stop being selfish" harry said annoyance running through him. "Fine" Hermione knew she had tears on her face. She turned around. There was a crowd. All the Weasley clan, even Luna who must have been visiting Ginny. Ginny looked shocked, hurt, weirded out. "That kiss meant nothing by the way" harry shouts after Hermione making more tears fall as she runs up the stairs.

"Mione?" A loud, angry voice asks into the door. She knew it was Ginny. "Come in" she tried to make it look like she hadn't been crying "how could you" Ginny had tears of her own falling. "What do you me-" Hermione was cut off. "You kissed Harry and didn't even tell me Hermione I can't even look at you right now. We haven't been best friends for a while I know that but you still shouldn't kiss your ex friends boyfriend! You kn-" Hermione cut Ginny off this time. "He broke up with you Ginny it's not like you were still dating" she argued her point. Ginny thought this was an unfair point and continued arguing "I get that we broke up but it was a break. Not official!" Ginny yelled making Hermione jump. Hermione felt her face burn as Ginny slapped her across the face pushing her to the ground sitting on top of her and punching her. Hermione could feel wetness all over her face. Blood. "Harry will never love you!" Ginny shouted before leaving. Hermione watched her leave before going to the bathroom. She felt sick. And sure enough she threw up lying there in bed and falling asleep while crying.

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