Chapter 12

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"Harry this is lavendar" harry heard Hermione introduce pointing at the girl. He bobbed his head in a nod. "I'm guessing-" Hermione trailed off looking at Harry before lavendar answered the unasked question "yes I know Harry Potter. Not only from you know but I've seen you around. We're in the same divination class" she smiled. Hermione nodded. "Soo what did you need my help with" lavender asked clearly confused. "Oh um I wanted to set you up with someone" Hermione smiled at Harry who smiled back. He loved Hermiones smile. "Really but I thought yous two were seeing eachother. I guess I could use a make out partner" lavender leaned in right as Harry's eyes widened. He didn't see it coming. She was on top of him. "Lavender!" Hermione screamed in disgust. "You're not bad" lavender pulled apart at the sound of Hermiones scream. "What?" She looked over at Hermione the silly grin still attached to her face. "I'm dating Harry" Hermione didn't cry. Her mouth was agape. She looked horrified. "Oh I'm um so sorry I misread a few signs" a red blush crept across her face. Harry heard Hermione mutter "clearly" under her breath. "We wanted to set you up with Ron" now lavendar was the one to look disgusted. "Isn't that the ginger" an eye roll. Hermione shared an annoyed look with Harry while she answered "yes he's cute isn't he" Hermione tried to encourage lavender now sitting in Harry's lap scared that she'd kiss him again. "Then how about I take this one" lavender kissed Harry's forehead nearly making Hermione fall off his lap. "And you take the ginger" she crinkled her nose. Hermione shook her head at lavender. "I thought he was cute?" She asked innocently. Shes making this really difficult Hermione thought as she replied "um he is but he's like a brother to me and Harry's the love of my live" Hermione placed a protective arm on Harry's shoulder whilst he smirked. Lavendar gave an eye roll. "Fine where's Lon was it?" She hadn't forgotten. Hermione knew she hadn't. She had done it purposefully. "RON is at the library" Hermione could hear lavendar mutter book worm and sick of her attitude Hermione wanted to introduce them as soon as possible. "Ron hello" Hermione walked up to a table lavender trailing behind. Ron was sat with his head on the books half asleep to Hermiones disappointment but now was not the right time. "This is lavender" she left not wanting to be there if it went bad.

The two sat there in uncomfortable silence Ron waiting for lavender to speak while lavender doing the opposite and waiting for Ron to speak. "Ok let's see if you've got it" lavendar finally said to Ron. He had a confused expression his face "got wh-" before he could complete his sentence lavendar had sat on his lap and was snogging him. "Woah" she had an amazed expression on her face as they pulled apart. Ron had a smile on his face that not even the worst person could wipe off. "You're not bad" lavendar smirked pulling Ron in for a second kiss. They heard a shout. It was the librarian "no kissing in my library!" She was shouting. She practically picked the pair of them out by the hair throwing them out. They'd left in such a rush that they hadn't taken any of their things "wanna go for a walk?" Ron asked deciding to come back for his stuff later. A content smile came onto lavenders face as she nodded. Ron felt fireworks every time their hands would hit as they walked. Eventually he felt lavenders hand on his. He felt her intertwine their hands. He smiled at the simple but amazing gesture. "Wanna come to hogsmade with me this weekend? I know of a great place its for couples" lavender smiled at the invitation. "Do you take all the girls there" she teases gently. Ron smirks. "Sure do" he jokes back. "I'd love to meet me there? I want to hang out with my friends for a bit as well" lavender smiled. Ron nodded. "Will do" they were inches apart about to kiss again. He felt the gap close as they kissed. "I'll see you Saturday" a smile spread across lavenders face. Ron watched her walk off. "Yous two are serious huh?" It was Harry's voice. Ron watched lavender disappearing before turning around "I really like-" he didn't finish the sentence. He hadn't realised Hermione was there and knew they were friends. "You set this up?" Ron asked her. She smirked nodding before deciding on a subtle but also noticeable wink. "Thanks" Ron smiled at her to Hermiones surprise.

Sorry for the late chapter hope y'all enjoy comment if you've ideas for the next chapters sorry this is more Ron and lavendar I just thought I needed to add it in.

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