The Loss of a Truth & The Truth of a Loss

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"P-Pardon me.. But who might you be?"

As Penelope broke the embrace and innocently asked Eloise who she was, a heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the sound of Eloise's racing thoughts. The foyer fell deathly silent after Penelope Featherington asked who the brunette hugging her was. Eloise recoiled, her face a mix of anguish and confusion as she backed away from her best friend.

Eloise Bridgerton felt her heart clench painfully. Penelope's words cut deeper than any barb she had ever received. Why would the redhead ask who she was? Eloise's mind raced. Was Penelope still furious over their last argument at the Featherington ball two seasons ago? Was she denying Eloise's very existence out of lingering hurt and anger over the dreadful things she had hurled at her then?

Tears pricked Eloise's eyes as guilt and regret threatened to overwhelm her. Even if Penelope had every right to be livid at her, to completely disavow and forget their lifelong friendship was unthinkable. Had Eloise's harsh words back then truly severed that bond forever?

Meanwhile, Penelope looked at Eloise with genuine curiosity, her memory still clouded from the aftermath of her accident. She could not quite place the brunette before her, and her confusion only deepened as she saw the tears in Eloise's eyes.

Sensing the tension in the room, Violet stepped forward, her voice gentle as she addressed Penelope. "Penelope, dear, surely you did not forget Eloise? She is your friend."

Penelope's brow furrowed in confusion as she looked from Eloise to Violet and back again. "Friend?" She echoed, uncertainty lacing her voice.

Feeling overwhelmed, Eloise tried to hold Penelope's arms on both sides as her tears spilling over as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Pen, it's me Eloise! I know I've wronged you, but we've been friends for years." The brunette's voice choked with emotion.

Penelope's expression remained confused as she turned towards her own mother, a flicker of nervousness crossing the young redhead's features. "Mama, w-who are they?"

The three Bridgertons were clouded with fear and horror as they saw the sincerity in Penelope's query to Lady Featherington. The shock settled over them like a heavy cloud, and Anthony, Violet and Eloise can only exchange worried glances, as their hearts are heavy with concern for the redhead.

Anthony's voice was filled with urgency as he turned to Portia, his brows furrowed and tone exercising his title as the Viscount. "Lady Featherington, what is going on here? Why does Miss Featherington not recognize us?" He asked, his tone tinged with alarm.

The dowager baroness nodded solemnly, her expression mirroring the concern etched on the faces of the Bridgertons. "Please, let us move to the drawing room." She said rather softly, gesturing them to follow her. "I will explain everything there."

Once inside, Portia placed herself on the settee with Penelope sitting beside her. Anthony and Violet took the armchairs facing them while Eloise made herself sit at the space left beside Penelope. After everyone was seated comfortably, a maid entered the room, bearing a tray of snacks and tea service. Portia poured tea for each of them, her movements graceful and practiced despite the nervousness painted on her features.

Once they had their refreshments, Violet gently asked Lady Featherington why Penelope could not recognize them.

Portia sighed heavily, clearly pained to recount the circumstances. "When Penelope finally awoke after the accident, her memories were.. Not intact." She paused, carefully considering her words. Penelope remained silent at her side, as she provided explanation to their guests. "She can recall her childhood, general knowledge and so forth. But more recent events, certain personal relations - those seem to have been removed from her recollections altogether."

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