Promenade with a Third Wheel

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The next morning, Penelope awoke with a groan, pinching the bridge of her nose as memories of the previous day came flooding back. She felt annoyed with herself for being so flustered around the Viscount, Anthony Bridgerton.

Reconciling with Eloise had been a positive step, one she was grateful for. But her interactions with the Viscount kept nagging at her mind, replaying on an endless loop until she could scarcely focus on anything else. Especially that kiss..

Heat crept up her neck as she recalled the shocking moment their lips had met. His kiss had been searing, igniting a fiery warmth that still smoldered low in her belly. She couldn't even begin to fathom how their encounter had escalated to such an intimate act.

Hadn't she vowed to get revenge on Anthony for cornering her into that dance at the Abernathy ball? And yet there she was, breathless and reciprocating his ardent kiss as if drawn like a moth to his flame. As much as she hated to admit it, she had thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being in his arms.

A heavy sigh left her at the confusing tangle of emotions. How had the charismatic Viscount managed to fluster her so completely? The rational thing would be to avoid him until she regained her senses.

And that is precisely what she instructed their butler Briarly to do when Anthony arrived at Featherington house bright and early. Penelope refused to take any calls from suitors, no matter their status or relation to her. She needed time to sort through this inner turmoil he had provoked.

Anthony could scarcely believe it when Briarly turned him away at the door, his brows lowing in displeasure. "But I am not simply a suitor. I am Miss Featherington's fiancée!"

The butler seemed unmoved. "I'm afraid Miss Penelope has declined visitors of a courtly nature for the time being.."

Before he could protest further, the sound of rapid footsteps announced his sister's arrival. Eloise strode through the open doors, throwing a careless wave to Briarly who made no move to stop her.

"Eloise!" Anthony called out, irritation lacing his tone. "What are you doing here?"

She arched one elegant brow. "Why, I'm here to see Penelope, of course. We are the closest of friends."

Realization struck and Anthony whirled on the hapless butler once more. "Then why is my sister permitted entry while I, Miss Featherington's betrothed, am barred?"

Briarly sighed, clasping his hands in front of him. "Miss Eloise has long had an open invitation to Miss Penelope's private chambers. She needs no announcement, my lord."

The obvious double standard grated on Anthony's nerves. His fists clenched and unclenched as he fought for control of the frustration bubbling with him.

How could Penelope so easily shut him out after the tenderness they had shared just last night? Had he misread the situation completely? His heart ached with confusion and doubt, uncertain how to regain his footing in this newfound courtship.

"Enjoy your visit." He bit out at last, the terse phrase directed at Eloise though his eyes remained fixed on the butler. "I expect to be granted access upon your departure."


A soft rap on the door preceded Eloise's entrance into Penelope's bedchambers. The redhead looked up with a wan smile as her dearest friend breezed inside.

"There you are." Eloise began without preamble. "Anthony is downstairs, quite insistent on seeing you despite being denied."

Penelope sighed, lifting a hand to massage her throbbing temples. "Of course he is. Stubbornness seems to run in your family's veins."

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